In Chinese the word Universe is literally "space and time" - not only the GM has to provide cities, caves, castle, and other playground but also a time period.
Now to be consistent, the GM need to send the players into a sense of past and future - which means that during a campaign the players are going to defeat monsters and villains and level up. But the time could be elastic, some table away another group might be playing "Call of Cthulhu" and live in the 1920s.
Actually time would very much be related to what the GM and the players remember of what happened ; now if another GM would relay the players and offer them to play another campaign ; the new GM would have to play along, and assume the players are now in a further future. But apart from their levels, new items and magic sword that the players would show he wouldn't know much of what happened in the parallel campaign.
But what would happen if the same GM would play with a different group of players - that haven't played that specific campaign?
What would happen after we die ?
Couldn't we be sent back in the past, like in the Novel "the Egg" (link found on reddit a while ago)
What if there's only one player in this game named life and this player is You (me) ?
Usually player who have been through a campaign - and died ; won't play the same campaign a second time because they would remember it - don't you find it funny that we are unable to remember our past lifes ?
The ultimate GM is erasing your memories.
Everything is mental, we are dreamed or thought by a Universe (GM) the only challenge for us is that what we call reality is the Universe dreams - we are also dreaming, but somehow we feel that our dreams aren't real ... because they don't last.
Now if during dreaming, you realize you can come back to the same places, and you can act, or change the course of the dream ...
According to Rudolf Steiner during dreams our astral body and ego depart from our physical and etheric body -- what if we are like "baby Universe" and our little dreams are our first stammers.
That would put the "Universe expansion" theory into a mind blowing proportion.
How to Build a Universe That Doesn't Fall Apart Two Days Later: The bulk of the messages elude our attention; literally, after a few hours of TV watching, we do not know what we have seen. Our memories are spurious, like our memories of dreams; the blank are filled in retrospectively. And falsified. We have participated unknowingly in the creation of a spurious reality, and then we have obligingly fed it to ourselves. We have colluded in our own doom.
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