Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Genesis story

Today I want to write about boredom.

Boredom can be a powerful force for creativity and innovation. When we are bored, our brains are seeking stimulation and new experiences, and this can lead to unique and innovative ideas. However, too much boredom can also lead to apathy and a lack of motivation. It's important to find a balance between boredom and stimulation to keep our minds engaged and active. As the saying goes, "idle hands are the devil's playground", so it's important to keep ourselves occupied with meaningful activities that bring us joy and fulfillment.

And now comes a tale of creating an entire realm of existence, because we were bored

According to an old story from India, the God Brahma was alone in the universe and feeling incredibly bored. With no one to play with, he decided to create a beautiful goddess named Maya for the sole purpose of having fun. After Brahma told Maya the purpose of her existence, she proposed a game to him, with the condition that Brahma would do what she told him to do. Brahma agreed, and following Maya's instructions, he created the entire universe - the stars, planets, and even life on earth.

Maya was pleased with Brahma's creation, but she wanted something more. She asked him to create a being that was intelligent and self-aware, capable of appreciating the beauty of the world he had created. Brahma then created humans, but when he asked Maya when the game would start, she had a surprising answer. She cut Brahma into thousands of tiny pieces and placed one inside each human. "Now the game begins!" she said. "I am going to make you forget what you are, and you are going to try and find yourself!"

Maya created the Dream, a state of illusion in which humans are trapped, unaware of their true nature. Even Brahma himself was not immune to the Dream, and to this day he is trying to remember who he really is. But the game that Maya started is not a game of chance or fate. It is a game that humans can win by awakening from the Dream and remembering their divinity. When they do, they become Brahma again and reclaim their true selves. This story reminds us that we are not just physical beings, but also spiritual beings capable of transcending the limitations of the material world.

We live in a fractal universe, we can still get bored, and we can still create worlds (virtual worlds) and we can still get immersed into them, but remember this ... it is just a ride, and change is the only constant.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Leveling up

 There are different theories about what this World is all about, I've head that some people think it is a prison, and we are somehow punished for something we did elsewhere, the entire reality is a prison, and that is the rational explanation as to why we are not allowed to visit other planets, and we have the feeling (which is false) that we are alone in this Universe, this would be explained by the fact that we are still very primitive in our development, spiritually we are still in our infancy.

A more optimist view would say that we are somehow here on Earth to learn, which would make this planet a School planet, and once we graduate we will be able to move forward and leave this cycle of reincarnations (which is an idea borrowed by Easter philosophies).

While we are here, we could be stuck in this mentality of accumulating as much money and material things as possible, to live comfortably, to respond to our fear of lack, of dying from hunger, or being outcast ... during our Human evolution we have been through wars, famine, terrible chaos, and great injustice, and we are all victims, and at the same time responsible for this on-going madness, because being involved in our mass hysteria, we forget that one day we will depart this place, we will die, and lose all the riches, the cars, the computers, the bank account, the houses, the devices we have bought, and what will remain is our soul...

This is not new, we all have heard that from Church, in a temple, from a guru, from some wise person, from a book, we all know that ... we have been warned, but we keep acting like we do not know.

There is an urgent need of leveling up, 

the enemy is ignorance, 

the enemy is fear,

we need to move on from that 

and the time is now