Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Teal Swan Ascension


My last post about Teal was written a year ago ; in just a year Teal has had a tremendous ascension and is about to publish her second book at Hay House in early 2015.
She has had many workshops internationally, and has successfully launched a series of guided meditation.
A documentary about her life is on the way.
Shadow house has been replaced by Tea time with Teal.
Sarbdeep (her husband) is charismatic and a nice gentleman from the UK.
And it seems that she is about to make a big entrance in the mainstream media.
Teal planned that she would move to Europe (possibly South of France) but is still at her place in Utah.
It seems that everything is going smoothly for her, but being a catalyst has its downside


What is a catalyst, if not a something that increases and amplify all sort of reactions?!
And Teal excels in that domain, she had one particular blog (celestial reflections) that Teal had to address at some point in her own blog.
But recently things have escalated a bit more, with the interview of former member of shadow house : Cameron Clark - an interview in 5 part made by Jessica Schab ;
This whole thing has risen (I think) after some people were expelled from Teal Tribe and censorship got applied on several Tealers facebook groups.


Teal is ascending, she has an enormous drive ; she is an overachiever when it comes to writing, making interviews, her weekly videos "Ask Teal" and so on - it looks like she never stop working. And writing about Teal is a fantastic lever for increasing popularity ; my little blog is around 190 articles but the one and only that drives people in, is the post about Teal - where to be fair, I just wrote a brief history of what happened in 2013 - so, I encourage people to write about her, this will increase your number of visits.

Open questions?

Well, it seems that Jessica Schab has found a jackpot in the person of Cameron Clark, there were other people who left shadow house (Justin, Fallon, Flavia and Bonnie) focusing only on Cameron is a bit unfair, and for those who have followed Shadow house  there was apparent personality tensions.
Don't get me wrong, I like Cameron, actually I like Jessica Schab as well too (I followed a little bit of her spiritual career when she was talking about Pleidians and being a crystal kid back in 2012).

I think these interviews are just confirming that Teal went into terrible traumas (as some people would even doubt that) and Teal is not hiding the fact that this requires therapies, has consequences on her personality - with seizures, and her need to constantly push herself to the limit.

I guess the coming documentary will clarify many aspects and answer most questions.
I certainly hope that there will be interviews with the Chinese 5 stars General (master Wan Su Jian).

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

How do you question reality?

How do you question reality?

Here I am going to experiment a bit and try the Byron Katie query method called "the Work" to answer the question of "what is reality" - so Is reality true? Can I be absolutely sure that it's true?

The fun part of this second question is that not many things are absolutely 100% full-proof true.

There is a simpler way in dreams though, by just watching your hands – by extending the two hands together in front of your eyes – you will then see during dream-time, that they are deformed.

You might have 4 fingers in one hand, and 6 fingers on the other, and then you become lucid.

But so far, I haven't find a similar simple trick to wake up during 'daily life' – I just know I'm not dreaming because another particular quality of 'daily life' is a possible feeling of boredom, this feeling can't happen in dream-state. In the dream things are shifting, things or events are fluids ; in physical awaken time – you can get this feeling of being stuck and being bored.

Does this mean "Reality is boring" ?

And that isn't true either, for truly awaken people – reality can be as exciting as the dreams, and that's when things are starting to manifests and both reality and dreams are starting to mix.
What is the risk of mixing the real and the illusion?

I guess there is a step forward into the interaction of the reality given as a sandbox and the potential of acting in this sandbox in a more interesting way, than being a mere consumer or a victim of reality. The step forward is to realize that we are creator, and by exercising this power we can bend realities (just like in the dream-state).
And then the question pop-up again .. what is reality?

It can't be only perceptual, because as human beings our sense spectrum is not optimized – it can't be in the mind only because for the brain reality, fiction, illusion are all the same .. informations driven experience...

What about emotions?

Reality will raise emotions, and so will books, movies, etc .. there's a whole industry taking advantages of this "feature". The emotional center is responsive to informations, everything that will provide informations is creating an emotional response. Music in particular can generate a huge emotional influx, just the vibrations of notes, can make somebody become very sad and cry or nourish an internal anger, or laugh – music has this capacity over words that are in many cases powerless when it comes to variety of languages or the audience capacity of understanding.

Music is universal, it doesn't have to go through the door of understanding – it goes directly into the emotional center.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

What is reality?

What is reality?

Isn't funny that as advanced as we think we are, as a civilization, we still aren't able to answer that simple question?
But, to be fair the twist is that it's really not a simple question, let's dive into it ...
If we want to define reality, we have to sort of find the opposite of reality (of what is).
Defining by contrast is usually an efficient method.
What is the opposite of "a reality"?

Fiction, fictitious stories or Universes aren't real – right?
An illusion is also usually defined as the opposite of reality too.
Although many are saying that reality is an illusion.
Who or what decide what is real or not?
who's the beholder, who's the reference point ... consciousness?!
What if this is just the "continuity" – I was about to say the brain, but research have proven that the brain can't really perceive the difference between what is real, imagined or dreamed … the reaction will be the same.
Continuity on the other hand, is the one that will prevail in the assurance that we are dealing with a reality, because reality is persistent. That's one of the many quality of reality.
Like Philip K. Dick astutely wrote : "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away" -
Why it doesn't go away?

Is it because reality is co-created, or is it because of a bigger "creator" that can provide that reality even when everybody has turned away from it?
What is an illusion (a non-reality)?
An illusionist will project an alternate vision to the viewer that will then see something that isn't real but a crafted version of the illusionist's reality. An illusion is real to the viewer until the viewer realize it was an illusion, that is .. when at a particular moment, the viewer see the truth and wake up from the illusion. He then see something else, he sees his own version of reality.
This can happen in dreams, when the dreamer is so into the story that he can participate in a situation that would be in his awaken life completely unrealistic (doesn't follow the usual reality rules – might they be morals, physic, common sense …)
the illusion won't stand if it is questioned though .. that's why people are getting lucid in their dreams, if questioning is part of your daily routine – chances are you will wake up during the dream or become lucid.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Mid 2014 - Waiting for the "Big One"

Waiting for the next big one

That's pretty much what all humanity is doing right now, the BP oil spill has happened, a nuclear accident has happened in Fukushima, they were both more or less resolved...
But to be honest, nothing is seriously done to prevent new incidents like these. Have we moved away of oil consumption and are most of the automobiles running on alternative energies (I don't think so).
Are most nuclear reactor closed and are we moving away from Nuclear use in the future (doesn't feel like it).
It all looks like we are all blindly hoping that - those kind of incidents won't happen again.
Which is why I believe we as a collective are either very ignorant or very positive.
And we must never have heard of the Murphy's law either.

Don't we know what to do?

This is a funny question, when we were students we probably had this procrastination thing - that was a constant hindrance, we knew we had to do some homework, or writing for an exam, but we couldn't for the love of God - begin to work on it.
What usually got us moving ?
Deadlines, or major wake-up call
Yep, that's how we as a collective move and make decision that are required.
The idea behind all this post - is that it doesn't seem necessary for us as a collective to go through hardship to plan a better future or to overcome our inertia.
But we just wait for this "special moment of crisis" to start working on it.

We as a collective

I keep writing "us as a collective" or "we as a collective" - but this is a flawed concept actually, we aren't acting as a collective at all. We are still very much in this mess actively trying to get the best seat on that bus that is about to crash on a wall or down the hill.

Nobody is to blame, we are doing our best, ... we will figure this all out probably because of the next big One that is about to come. Solidarity, cooperation, aren't our default mode when competition is in place - but unless a paradigm shift ; we will still act like no action is best, and competing with each other is very much our default mode of action.

It must have been that so far we have been lucky that nothing major has made us change our  mindset - to shake us on our standard behavior and made us question everything we thought we knew.
Why ? Because the big One has not yet happened  ...

In the meantime, it's "more of the same"

While we wait for that big One, that will inevitably come .. to make us change.
We will have more of the same crescendo of financial crisis, peak oil, climate change, discussion about controversial topics, and any sort of complex politics that have lots of potential for discussion, but very little impact in the long run.

Press Kit: A middle-class white guy comes to grips with Peak Oil, Climate Change, Mass Extinction, Population Overshoot and the end of the American lifestyle.

Friday, January 17, 2014

The trap of porn

From times to times my porn addiction is pointing her head - and I feel the urge to watch a bit of porn.

Why is it a bad idea

In today's world it's very very easy to find porn - porn is everywhere - the discipline required on a daily basis is constantly challenged.
But let see first the reason why the porn addiction is re-emerging ; when life starts to feel like nothing is going nowhere, where I'm frustrated with people, or my job and I need a little gratification...
It could also be that I've caught a glimpse of a pornstar I've particularly enjoyed - but usually I just send her lots of love and move on.


The real problem is frustration, might it be accompanied with procrastination, laziness, or lack of motivation - if the discipline is still there, there's no chance that I'll fall for this appeal.
Now that I'm thinking about it, there is a second problem .. the force of habits ; but it could be counter by returning at the place where I found help and support (nofap forum).
Fapping isn't the enemy - the real problem is the lack of desire for conscious living.
Because let's be honest for a minute Pornography is just lies, illusion, smoke and mirrors...


The minute you realize that women don't actually enjoy what is happening to them in porn movies - they just pretend to feel pleasured but the truth is .. Porn is just about money .. and by watching pornography I was part of the problem. I wasn't forced to watch these scenes, I did it willfully at first, and then because of the habits - but then I realized all the downside of it, I felt awkward around other people, I had many flashbacks when talking to people or during classes - and it sucked my energy.

Energy sucking

Of course being younger I didn't felt that it would be such a problem but always feeling tired, and down was actually putting me in a loop - because I was still looking for some kind of gratification - that I could only find in fapping. And that's a very difficult trap to escape from, but it's like all addictions really - some drastic changes have to be made, but lucky me I found nofap forums and they helped greatly. Now and then, I help some other fapstronaut back too.

Where I am now

Like I said in the introduction, from time to time I have the urge again - and sometime I give in, but there's a price to pay - which makes me deliberate really hard, to see if that is worth it - and more and more the decision is a strong NO, because that's not worth it. And I would prefer to meditate 20mn instead.
I wish one day, the world will be porn-free, I wish nobody would fall into the porn addiction trap ever again - love is the answer, and love can exist without sex - one night, I was struggling really hard, and discover that I had a feminine side deep down, and that was the part of me I was being rude and negligent, and I felt remorseful, I felt sorry .. that without knowing I had hurt a part of myself for so long.

Being in peace as a human being is being at peace with his male and feminine aspect - and that is the lesson  I've learned from nofap.