Friday, October 26, 2012


I remember when I was playing AD&D as a Dungeon Master ; the goal was to create an environment encouraging players to be active, it was sometime tricky to find the right balance between the boring sequence "open a door, fight monster, open chest, collect gold" and the too directive over complex campaign where the players would just follow external events and get to fight a bit, while the real events were done by non-player characters (NPC).

Now there was a lot of interesting session where the events actually just happened purely on the player's interaction - and that was for the DM a way to relax, and just act as an arbiter ; it was like watching a theatre play, and let the event unfold.

There was this time when the group went back from a castle, many were wounded, and tired, all the spell casters had nearly exhausted all their scrolls, spells and potions and then the rogue/thief suddenly decided it would be the perfect time to steal a bit of stuffs, just because the big guns had all the treasure and the rogue couldn't put his hands on any magic item, gems, potion etc ...

That was pretty intense when the Paladin leader was back stabbed by that rogue (who by the way had a very good luck playing dice) - he successfully hid in the shadow and perform a quadruple damage with his poisonous dagger. That was the beginning of a terrible incident that got the entire group into a crisis and after another series of internal fight (because as I said earlier many characters were already weaken) everybody but the rogue were dead.

It wasn't in the DM's plan, it wasn't planned at all - but it happened.

The DM isn't the almighty ruler ; the players have their role to play (hence the game name) - and this made me think about life in general.

About good and evil especially ; since that rogue/thief was playing along fine during the "official" planned part - but then took a final opportunity to kill and steal an entire group of friends, out of greed.

The entire group had went through tremendous obstacles, traps and monsters but the worst enemy who would eventually got them was inside the group.

It's a bit like looking back at human history and realizing that thousand of years earlier we were fighting wild animals, went through terrible diseases, cold, famine, and when finally when human started to get comfortable with electricity, water, cars, factories, and relatively not many threats - then appears this final worst enemy - himself.
Between good and evil, there is the neutral Path - the Path of nature, of the trees.
Reading Rudolf Steiner I got this understanding that during Earth evolution - during the Lemurian period (I think, but I might be wrong) Earth was bearing fruits - that were linked to her during all their life cycle, totally in harmony with her -- and that fruit was the first human : Adam.

Since we have lost this connection with the Earth, she hardened (or that is just her normal evolution) - and we are know battling each other. We did discover the knowledge of Good and Evil, in my last post I asked if we would know this would generate the mess we're in now - would anybody eat that from that forbidden tree ? but today I realized we had to, in order to evolve.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Triumph of the Ego

In my previous post Rudolf Steiner got me thinking about that concept of "War of all against all" - (which could totally be the current "War on Terror" meme that is in itself a paradox)

It's basically a "war of the ego against other ego" - a war based on the funny idea that my ego is better than yours, my opinion is the only valid one, you're wrong and I'm right.

But since there is quite a huge difference between a man that has been restricted from doing a particular thing, and a man's conscious choice of not doing that thing.
There is confrontation, friction, conflict, war.

Because this has always been the work of Patriarchal system ego to forbid things to the common/lesser man, with the irrational excuse that it's for their own good.
And therefore the layman is kept as a child level.

You can't do this, you can't do that or else ... harsh punishment.

When government or church or any established patriarchal system is forbidding somebody to drink alcohol for example, it only tickle the interest of people to drink, same apply for pre-marital sex, watching porn, smoking pot ...

Prohibition never worked.

Now when a man has had enough of drinking alcohol, using drugs, watching porn, etc ... he comes to his senses and decide on his own accord to stay away from that stuffs ; because he knows that this makes him utterly dependent and sick in his body, head and so on.

The challenge today isn't about accepting our weaknesses, acknowledging them - and pro-actively deciding not to fall for their "charms" (for lack of a better word).

I'm always a bit annoyed when somebody says something like "you shouldn't watch pornography" - because maybe I need to experience it for a while, everything eventually wear off.

Somebody trespassing and giving advices that weren't asked is robbing the other individual of his independence, his inner freedom, his growth.

The Egocentric/Selfish stage: On a global scale we have the current situation, the world as a place of suffering and injustice due to the actions of those in power. Accelerating destruction of ecosystems, mass extinction, human survivors eking out a miserable existence, peak oil, no second industrial revolution, out with a whimper, not a bang. In the larger physical universe: entropy, meaninglessness, the universe tending inexorably to heat death; the world and the cosmos that has to be transformed.
 And that transformation is the taming of the Ego, not necessarily the complete surrendering of the Ego, but the pro-active choice of  using the independence and inner freedom to work for a better world a common good.
Apocalypse of John: Lecture VIII:This “I” is the cause of man's directing all his wishes to the satisfaction of this “I” as such. Its striving to draw to itself as its own possession a part of the earth which belongs to all, to drive away all the other Egos from its realm, to fight then, to be at war with them, is one side of the “I.” But on the other hand the must not forget that the “I” is at the same time that which gives man his independence and his inner freedom, which in the truest sense of the word elevates him. His dignity is founded in this “I,” it is the basis of the Divine in man.

Prohibition never worked.

Back in the garden of Eden God forbids Adam and Eve to eat from the fruit of the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and of course they have to eat it.

Now after knowing the consequences, and after living a bit in the mess we are all in, with an informed mind ... would you eat that fruit ?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

As warm water dissolves salt

What if I told you that Rudolf Steiner back in 1908 was talking about the Ascension - not namely the 2012 Ascension - but nevertheless an Earth Ascension. That would probably blow your mind.

Steiner was also talking about how the moon had to be separated from the Earth before the Atlantian period - it's in the same Lecture, both links are given below.

I'm really impressed by Rudolf Steiner insights.

In master Tony "Ascension Guide" (which I refer a lot lately in this blog) - It's written that people with High-frequencies will ascend (in 4th Dimension), and that matter somehow will dissolve. And those who wishes to stay on Earth (called 3D) will have to leave (die) and will re-appear on a similar 3D planet to continue exploring the World of duality, to express the self.

My current feeling after this last finding, is that this 2012 Ascension will not happen abruptly, but the period for this Ascension process will definitely start now (it might have already started). This looks like it's going to be a slow process.

The "war of all against all" seems to be on the agenda too, unfortunately.

After all, we're talking about 26,000 years in each transition - that's a lot of time.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Advices for my 10 year-old self

If I were able to go back in time to visit my ten year-old self, I would give myself a book the "Tao Te Ching" with some additional words :

- Love yourself, no matter what the other are saying, be nice and loving with yourself and do your best to love everybody and everything
- People are eventually only interested in themselves ; so don't take what they say too seriously

- Avoid noisy, greedy, gross, and violent people
- We're not here on Earth to stay, it's just a step - so again don't take things too seriously
- If somebody hurts you, take the lesson and leave
- Do what you WANT in life, do not follow anybody's advice on what you should or shouldn't be doing
- Be organized (make list, write a journal, ...)
- Always learn new things, read lots of books - don't take anything for sure ; feel how this new knowledge is affecting you, evaluate the wisdom in it, search Enlightenment.
- Make times for yourself alone in the quiet to study the Tao Te Ching and meditate
- Be yourself and trust yourself
- Each and everyone has a specific path to follow, none of these paths is the best but your own - that's why when somebody is giving you advices (even with the best intentions), he's only giving advices that fit mostly his own path.
- When a teenager, don't worry too much about masturbation ; it's just a phase in life - learn to love, don't focus too much on the sex.
- When adult, remember the dream you had when you were a child - try to stay faithful to your inner child.
- Be cautious of the dominant religion/culture, learn from the other movements (native Indian wisdom, shaman, druid, minorities ... because they're the one who suffered and usually they know best)
- Learn how to ask question
- Be careful what you eat, think, listen, watch and read this affect you consciously and unconsciously  
- Learn to use the I-Ching
- Be open in your mind, don't judge too fast.
- Be like water, do not hold on things or beliefs - nothing is for certain (science can't answer every question, and there's more than what is visible, ...)
- Be in the center and be balanced in your passion
- Don't fall for the politician, the army recruiter, the banker, and the priest they're mostly here to use you ; stay away from them with respect.
- The real enemies are fear and ignorance, if anybody is playing on your fears, or take advantage of your ignorance be very careful : they're working some trick on you.
- Try to understand what is light, love, truth, space and time.

Then I'll tap myself on the back, telling me gently to (at least) talk to that girl I had a crush on (because otherwise I'll always regret not doing so) - then as a final note, I'll write down on a piece of paper and ask myself to promise me not to spend too much time on this website when this will be online later on something we will call "the internet". 

This was inspired by this blog entry
Memories of God  : If I were able to go back in time to visit my ten year-old self, I would befriend myself and let him in on these secrets. And I'd teach him how to make fun of idiots -- it took me a while beginning at that age, and some help would have sped things up a bit and made life more bearable. I think I'd visit my parents and a few adults, too, and have a little talk with them about these things and the kid hiding out alone, confused, while they went about their marital and personal conflicts. Or maybe not. Perhaps I'd just give the kid a clue about how to take care of himself better -- because I can't imagine my life now without that period and the freedom to explore all things that came with it... though I'd not recommend it to others because, all things being equal, I was very fortunate.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Less Thoughts More Action

The theory behind the Pole Shift is that the Earth will reverse North and South Pole in a very short time period. This phenomenon is pictured in the Movie 2012.

As always it's all about spreading doom and gloom -- for my little science understanding pole shifts already happened in the past and the current one  has been already in process for many years, because the magnetic field weakens (a known fact) but this will take hundreds (thousands?) of years to reach completion.

Edgar Cayce also mentioned a Pole shift in his prophecy.

Survive Pole Shift has more than 1,000 likes on facebook.

Another consequence of this Pole shift and the Earth being less "magnetized" is the fact that things will get lighter and lighter - and a side-effect would be that we will be able to perform more actions, while our thoughts would become more scarce - a phenomenon called "Less thoughts more action" explained by Paramahamsa Nithyananda.

This could be argued, discussed and criticized but many ground breaking news are challenging our understanding on a daily basis - and is pushing us in the very limit of our reason, because really what do we know for sure ?

63,000-Year-Old Modern Human Skull Found in Laos | Anthropology | The scientists used uranium/thorium dating to determine the age of the skull, which they determined was about 63,000 years old.

Yes, we may all be living in the Matrix, say physicists | TG Daily: Yes, we may all be living in the Matrix, say physicists

We just have to wait and see

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Orgasms & destruction

There was a time in my life, when I had a tough time, and the only thing that kept my head above the water was a little dvd - "Cruisin' Jennaville"...

I can remember that introduction almost by heart

Hi, I'm your tour guide Jenna Jameson, in Jennaville you're in control : you can go up and down, you can pick up one of the most amazing chicks and you can even choose their outfit.

Alexa Rae was particularly alluring in the dvd.

And what a bad surprise to see that "Peach dvd" is now out of business ?!

After that there's 2 things I can tell to you audience, first these women are a blessing, seeing their body is very therapeutic and will heal many wounds - and second you have to actually buy an erotica dvd - this has to be mandatory for all men - Like a "rite of passage" because watching porn for free, isn't the way to go - pay your respect and buy their merchandise, be respectful and pay homage to their beauty and grace.

In role playing games, an enchantress acts like a magician woman who would subdue and take control over a male - turning him into a obedient henchman. Why would the man give up his own guidance, and follow order from an enchantress ? just to stay in contact with her, to be able to gaze upon her day and night - the price to pay is unfortunately to obey that mistress, hoping that she wouldn't be so bad to ask for mischievous actions.

On the other side of the stick, the women are rarely "charmed" by men or wizard - also powerful men can attract women ; women are keeping their head cool, and are able to go away fast if things go wrong.

As archetypical situation you would have the strong barbarian savage supercharged with pure testosterone falling for a semi naked enchantress that will use the barbarian to defend her against the players team while fondling his shoulders.
A tough situation to overcome for the group, because they don't want to "damage" their best friend with valuable fighting.

Another situation would be a cunning aristocratic illusionist who would subjugate a female druid or cleric pretending to love her -- and forcing the entire team to tag along for a campaign.

In both case, when the so called lover would realize he or she has been duped, the consequences would be quite devastating.

But nevertheless, better is to have loved and lost than to have never loved.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Book of Revelation

Dolores Cannon speaks about 2012, and it's very similar to what Master Tony has said in his "Ascension Guide".

The Earth will basically split in 2 (like a cell divides) - the old one will not be aware of the other, will perpetuate his Karma and will eventually disappear -- and the new one is ascending.

The Mayan (and many Indians civilizations) have already shifted in the past by raising their vibrations.

Read the Book of Revelation - "those who are left behind".

Dolores confirms the fact that many star-seeds have volunteered to help during the ascension, she also confirms the presence of angels (or guide) by our side (in other videos).

Angel Academy

During a role playing session the arbiter (Dungeon Master (DM)) not only would play the opponents (various monsters) but could play a character (or several) himself (we called it/them Non Player Character (NPC)) - this/these characters would be within the player group and help the campaign get more interesting, getting more confusing or helpful depending on what the DM would wish the direction to be.

During the video talk above between  Lilou Macé and Matt Kahn - I briefly noted the discussed concepts and where I've heard them before (and from whom) :
An infinity of Parallel Earths -- Bashar
Planet Earth is an "Angel Academy" -- Rudolf Steiner
Frequency as a key for ascension -- Master Tony
Universe confirms whatever you affirm -- The Secret
The daily need of clearing -- Ho'oponopono

Let go of the ego (an excitation of the nervous system, because of the none release of feelings) ; living in the now (the permanent "I don't know") -- Eckhart Tolle
Download of energies -- various channellers
Words (and any sounds I assume) are the way of communicating frequencies

No comparison, not trying to assume how the society is perceiving you
What I give to other I receive to myself -- The Secret
Make peace with the past
What advices you wish you would have been told
These are the advices you could (should) give to every person you know (or meet)

A mid-wife is an assistant, a catalyst
Becoming nothingness (not being the body, not the mind)

God becoming a person (see my comment in italic above)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Who am I!

Alan Watts is teaching this as a trick to the mind as well, Sudevi (Ma Nithya Sudevi) is giving a very good explanation here on this video.

On a side-note as a former player of "Role playing game (RPG)", this intriguing question resonates in me in a special way. Since during RPG session every player could play a specific character, and in another play a different character, and then another, etc ... it's still the same player (a form of higher self) - and the arbiter's role (Dungeon Master or DM) is just to make sure every player and their character are obeying the rules, and the whole exercise is just about having fun.

Alan Watts (in another video) is re-introducing this very question in (I think) a way to trigger you into a mind blowing realization, we are an attempt of the whole Universe to explore itself.

This crazy realization is coming back again and again - like a complex fractal entity, the entire Universe woke up and sent infinite numbers of entity through himself to understand himself.

To actually answer the same question : Who am I?

It kind of reminds me of a similar story with a different twist called "The Egg" (found on reddit).

Monday, October 8, 2012

Which Star do I Come From?

Here's a video of Sudevi (Ma Nithya Sudevi)- she had an awakening and found out she was an Arcturian (like Master Tony) starseed.

Her story is very impressive, it seems that mastery of time, sacred geometry and a very noble sense of the sacred are (among many other I supposed) attributes of the Arcturian.

On my last post, my final notes were :
My work so far is pretty much organizing information, sorting, checking sources, searching for similarities, and keeping an open mind.
And during one of Sudevi video - where she describe the various levels in the Spritiual Path - I know now that I'm a "seeker".

I really, really enjoy Sudevi's video (and her blogs) she's such an inspiration.

While I see in more other videos she made, I'll post more about this amazing person. Because I feel so much empathy toward her. She's so young and already so mature and another incredible thing about her is that when I have a question in the back of my mind, very often while watching her Q&A video she's answering that particular question.

Like when she gave that helpful way to distinguish if a vision or guru is genuine or not, just to ask "who Jesus is" point blank - because in the Bible 1John4 - it says :

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: 3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
I used it to question the I-Ching (which I use daily) and was astounded to get a very definitive and positive answer.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Discoveries so far

When I discovered the "Ascension Guide" I tried to gather as many information as possible afterward, I found out that the author (Master Tony) is an Arcturian star-seed.

So far as much as possible I read and practice what was inside the guide and started meditating, changed my diet, got rid of TV, and most entertainment (I still struggle to diminish my reddit addiction).

And even though, some predictions that drastic "World changes" would be perceived by September (regarding the Ascension process) didn't seem to happened (at least not in the medias) -- this guide had a very good impact overall. Thanks for that Master Tony wherever you are.

Now this guide also introduces me to a whole lot of new paradigms - and just like Philip K. Dick I made the same conclusion he had after reading Plato.
In college I was given Plato to read and thereupon became aware of the possible existence of a metaphysical realm beyond or above the sensory world. I came to understand that the human mind could conceive of a realm of which the empirical world was epiphenomenal. Finally I came to believe that in a certain sense the empirical world was not truly real, at least not as real as the archetypal realm beyond it. At this point I despaired of the veracity of sense-data.
-- Philip K. Dick
Which lead me into discovering Rudolf Steiner, who has even more mind blowing new paradigms in his books (and many are available online for free). Especially his book "Knowledge of the higher worlds and its attainment" - which introduces a lot of new data about Etheric/Astral body and super sensible Worlds.

And later I stumbled upon the Pleiadian author Barbara Marciniak - and for many reasons felt like a strong connection with the family of Light. I might be confused, but the emotional element was there when I read and heard the message. This whole sensation that I've been planted on Earth for a mission, with my memories erased, and I'm waiting for a "signal" while longing for a distant World I used to be in, seems real to me.

Pleiadian star-seed Gigi Young is writing about recent palpable changes regarding Channeling  :
The veils thin and the energetic soup around us continues to magnify and as this happens we draw closer to our highest expression. All that is not congruent with that expression will be experienced as pain. As we release this pain we become lighter and more coherent. Through this process we gain stronger intuition and a clear channel to our higher self.
If I'm not mistaken this "higher self" mentioned by Gigi is what Rudolf Steiner in his lecture called "angeloi" and is actually our next step in evolution (after Saturn, Sun, moon and Earth).

For the record : I can't see auras, I can't channel, but there are many synchronicity I experienced (having a question, and receiving the very answer later in the day) I also had many feeling of bliss during meditations (feeling of being lighter (or lifted in the air)).

My work so far is pretty much organizing information, sorting, checking sources, searching for similarities, and keeping an open mind.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Information & Disinformation

It seems that there's no definite answer to a simple question. And that what is now "Information" can turn out to be "Disinformation" later, and vice versa.

Why ?

Would it be possible that there wouldn't be an Universal answer (to any questions but for example the quintessential interrogation "what is the meaning of life ?"), I feel that there's more likely to be a specific answer for you, that wouldn't even fit sometime later.

Because of the element of change in everything.

My current question would be ... How humanity is going to evolve past 2012 ?

After listening to Matias de Stefano a couple of times, I feel that there are a few items that could have been taken from Rudolf Steiner work, and that's the strange core of the all lot of New Age authors (Barbara Marciniak, Michael Tsarion, Master Tony, Terence McKenna, etc ...) there are many similarities, and many are introducing new concepts ...

Rudolf Steiner in his lectures could foresee the downfall of the communist, even though he was discussing about it in 1920. He could foresee the direction the West would take toward materialism, going as far as predicting the incarnation of Ahriman in the West.

Funnily enough Rudolf Steiner is the only one talking about Lucifer and Ahriman - and introducing the concept of a Triad, also pointing to the danger of believing in a too simplistic boolean concept of good and evil, that would allow obscure plot.

About the existence of the soul, about the interaction of the Spirit, and the need for humanity to understand and study occult sciences.

There's more than meet the eyes, that's the first precept.
All of these authors are opening new possibilities, new horizons.
There's nothing to be afraid of except to stay in a ignorant and fearful mindset.

The more I listen or read about any of them, the more I feel that each and everyone's mission here on 3D Earth is to find our own way to communicate with ourselves.
Because it's in the silent meditation of the heart, that answers are given.

There's a lot of work to do,  "shadow work" - exploring our darkness, What I mean by that is : to sit down alone in a quiet room and endure the view of our self in silence, waiting for something to wake-up. An inner voice that hasn't been heard.

This is what I think, that might not be an answer for you.
That might not even work for me, but I'm waiting, welcoming the moment when I will make contact.

How Can I Tell If An Article Is Disinformation?: The ultimate answer will be found within your own discernment. In other words, if it sounds like the truth to you, then it probably is. Like Gandhi said, “Even if you are the minority of one, the truth is still the truth.” Your higher self and your discernment will always lead you in the right direction, even if it sometimes feels like you are taking the wrong path. When we choose the longer of two paths, we end up learning some of the best lessons in life and this path usually ends up being a blessing.