Saturday, August 28, 2010

5 reasons why working at home is awesome

Did I mentioned in a previous post how awesome it was to work from home (checking ... yes, I did) ?

Here's what theoatmeal came up with  :

  1. No more waking up at 6am (or earlier) in the morning
  2. Less time spent in the car commuting
  3. Fewer interruptions from silly colleagues
  4. Less eating out crappy food
  5. Enjoying a flexible schedule
My little list was quite the same, but for some reasons, seeing it illustrates on Oatmeal just made me feel even better about it. See the full stuff (lack of vocabulary starting to hit me hard) directly there Why working at home is both awesome and horrible.

Now I'm about to read about the horrible aspect of ... Oh Gosh, ... yep, that is true, ... yep that also ... yep ... sure ... darn, they're good!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Unemployed CEO(s)

It seems that the unemployed rank will get a new recruit soon, please welcome Mark Hurd the former HP CEO ... clap, clap, clap!

Well, HP was generous enough to give him a head start by letting him go with $28 millions, that should be enough for a while, I guess.

Lately, if I remember correctly another CEO from BP was let go, ... but he managed to get a pension plan for £60 millions - not bad either.

These big companies really, they're so nice with their "fallen from grace" CEO, it's really touching.