Thursday, June 1, 2023

What to expect in 2024

We are about to reach mid 2023, and listening to the news is always a stressful thing to do, Ukraine is still very much at war, inflation, floods, wildfire, the Artificial intelligence trends changing most of our current paradigms ...

Today I wanted to list things we could expect from 2024, that were set in stone for a while:

The Summer Olympics: The 2024 Summer Olympics are scheduled to take place in Paris, France. This major international sporting event is expected to attract athletes and spectators from around the world.

The launch of the European Extremely Large Telescope: The European Extremely Large Telescope is a new project that aims to build the world's largest optical/near-infrared telescope. It is scheduled to begin operations in 2024 and will be located in the Atacama Desert in Chile.

The Mars Sample Return mission: The Mars Sample Return mission is a joint project between NASA and the European Space Agency. It aims to collect samples from Mars and return them to Earth for analysis. The mission is currently scheduled for launch in 2024.

The completion of major infrastructure projects: Many countries around the world have major infrastructure projects in the works, such as the expansion of transportation networks, the construction of new buildings and bridges, and the development of new technologies. Some of these projects are expected to reach completion in 2024.

Potential advancements in medical research: Many researchers and experts predict that 2024 could see significant advancements in medical research, including new treatments and therapies for diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's, and diabetes.