Friday, July 26, 2019

Global Warming

Global warming is effective

The medias are starting to wake up to the reality of these warmer temperatures, and the upcoming consequences of a warmer climate.
Machines are breaking down, flight are getting delayed, people are getting nervous ... people are dying.
Yes, there are still some skeptics, because acting against global warming would mean acting responsibly and in an economy based on constant progression - this is not an option.

Life becomes more and more a struggle for finding meaning - why would we continue like this?
how could we continue like this?
what are the alternatives?
Is this whole evolution of humanity going to end with a slow decay, a slow descent into warmer and warmer temperatures?

How do I find reason to continue to go back to my job, if I know for sure that we (collectively) have no proper solution against global warming? the biggest threat there is for the continuation of this nonsense setup by our corporate overlords?

The only one who makes some sense is that Swedish girl, and her surprised look when she is addressing politicians, and these idiots acting like they are still in control - is for me the most factual evidence that a clash is imminent...