Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Mid 2014 - Waiting for the "Big One"

Waiting for the next big one

That's pretty much what all humanity is doing right now, the BP oil spill has happened, a nuclear accident has happened in Fukushima, they were both more or less resolved...
But to be honest, nothing is seriously done to prevent new incidents like these. Have we moved away of oil consumption and are most of the automobiles running on alternative energies (I don't think so).
Are most nuclear reactor closed and are we moving away from Nuclear use in the future (doesn't feel like it).
It all looks like we are all blindly hoping that - those kind of incidents won't happen again.
Which is why I believe we as a collective are either very ignorant or very positive.
And we must never have heard of the Murphy's law either.

Don't we know what to do?

This is a funny question, when we were students we probably had this procrastination thing - that was a constant hindrance, we knew we had to do some homework, or writing for an exam, but we couldn't for the love of God - begin to work on it.
What usually got us moving ?
Deadlines, or major wake-up call
Yep, that's how we as a collective move and make decision that are required.
The idea behind all this post - is that it doesn't seem necessary for us as a collective to go through hardship to plan a better future or to overcome our inertia.
But we just wait for this "special moment of crisis" to start working on it.

We as a collective

I keep writing "us as a collective" or "we as a collective" - but this is a flawed concept actually, we aren't acting as a collective at all. We are still very much in this mess actively trying to get the best seat on that bus that is about to crash on a wall or down the hill.

Nobody is to blame, we are doing our best, ... we will figure this all out probably because of the next big One that is about to come. Solidarity, cooperation, aren't our default mode when competition is in place - but unless a paradigm shift ; we will still act like no action is best, and competing with each other is very much our default mode of action.

It must have been that so far we have been lucky that nothing major has made us change our  mindset - to shake us on our standard behavior and made us question everything we thought we knew.
Why ? Because the big One has not yet happened  ...

In the meantime, it's "more of the same"

While we wait for that big One, that will inevitably come .. to make us change.
We will have more of the same crescendo of financial crisis, peak oil, climate change, discussion about controversial topics, and any sort of complex politics that have lots of potential for discussion, but very little impact in the long run.

Press Kit: A middle-class white guy comes to grips with Peak Oil, Climate Change, Mass Extinction, Population Overshoot and the end of the American lifestyle.