Thursday, January 26, 2012

Underground food storage

Perry Stone - Prophecies From The 1800's - 4 of 8 - YouTube: The mess that America is in and that will soon follow in the coming months. And how panic and riots can be taken place within America when things get so desperate. Also the huge underground Food storage faculties that are taking place in the US for a long time now.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Don't settle

"Do what you like in life!" and do not even think back.

This should be taught everywhere, to every body.

There's nothing more boring, or mortifying than doing a job you hate, but ... what are we doing because of the fear of scarcity, what are we giving up for money ?!

Aren't we becoming slaves to jobs we don't like simply because of a paycheck ?

And for what ?! to last longer at doing something you don't want to do in the first place !?
what's the point !?

Isn't what Steve Jobs was talking about during his speech at Stanford ?!

[VOSTFR] Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement... by Cladouros

You have to find what you really love and then "Do it for the rest of your life".
"Love what you do!" 
don't settle, follow your heart and intuitions.

Inspired by : The Strangest Secret in the World. Each One Teach Won:
A success is ANYONE… who is doing deliberately a predetermined job because thats what he or she decided to do deliberately.

and  this amazing article How to find what you love to do ?
remember :
"It is extremely important to answer the question on how to find what you love to do.  "

Saturday, January 7, 2012

What the future holds?

2012 - Enter the Club
Grim, grim and depressing future is what everybody has in mind - with the running mantra that in 2012 anyway this madness will end, because that's what the Mayans said...

Really ?

Everybody agree that in post-Constitutional America, it isn't the neo-fascist corporate criminals who get prosecuted, but the whistle blowers, the occupy movement, the peaceful protesters.

The whole world is waking up and starts to realize that the "Good family corporations" aren't that nice after all, especially since they evolved into "Evil Monstrous Mega-corporations".

You all know the saying "you shall reap, what you sow" ... well, look at the fruit then : wars, attack on freedom, unemployment, drugs, crime, ignorance, bigotry, a culture of fear, exploitation, greed ...

No wonder we're excepting (almost hoping) this circus of pain to end in 2012, be it "alien invasion", earthquake of mythical proportion, polar shift, rapture, fall of planet X or any other fatal scenarios.

But the answer is within, we all are responsible, may that be because of our inactions, our choices, we need to wake up.

No violence, no judgment, unconditional love for everything in this Universe.
We need to realize we're part of a whole, we are in a synergistic scheme : "What Goes Around...Comes Around".

Starting to think this way, might change the outcome in the long run.

Otherwise still struggling as Freelance - found some interesting insight in this post below

Living Self-Employed Online: The Manual They Forgot to Give You
Especially these quotes :
"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there" – Lewis Carroll
Instead of just looking to your mistakes and hoping to learn from them or tackling a huge project you want to overcome. Why not look at what is working for you in other areas of life or on other projects, and see how you can apply those factors to other endeavors?
Have a nice day