Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What an odd combination

During this vacation period, I guess like many people I had the opportunity to watch a lot of films, starting by 1984 (based on the book by Georges Orwell), then Fight Club (that I've seen for the first time), and yesterday Idiocracy.

This end of the year feels weird to me, very depressing actually ... the weather first, it's way too colder than usual, and I don't feel going out at all.

On the news, the whole shebang about wikileaks and the insane reactions of the leaders to shut it down - This is an outrage ... I mean, for the first time in history (in this kind of scale) the public has access to informations, and it's a big progress for Democracies.

A progress that could be pursued in a big step forward where governments would have to be reliable for their actions, and have to be transparent.

But the immediate reaction is the opposite, it's not 1984 but it feels that way a bit.

Fight Club, is another blow straight in the face, and a nasty painful one, self destruction ... and what the hell was that ending ?

Idiocracy is a bit lighter, a comedy with a little twist, quite good - couldn't help laughing at the sight of the President of the USA pro-wrestler and porn star.

If this is the future God helps us

Sunday, December 12, 2010

31 Days to Start Freelancing - day 9

Continuing the exercise 31 Days to Start Freelancing
Day 1. Make an Inventory of Your Freelancing Skills
Day 2. Examine Your Freelancing Resources
Day 3. Set Your Freelancing Goals
Day 4. Get Inside Your Client’s Head
Day 5. What’s Your Story?
Day 6. Quick Check on Your Competitors

Day 7. Make Your Menu of Services

Day 8. Set Your Freelancing Rates

Day 9. Your Day to Shine 

Writing my Unique Selling Proposition or USP

I believe that finding your place in the world is very important.
For me to be the right person at the right place doing what you like to do is the best feeling ever (compared to people doing reluctantly a job they hate).

You don't even need to convince people you're good at doing something, because you like it they just see that in your manner and it feels easy.

When I see a tech trying quick-fixes and having no clue on what the issue is - I see red, I take a pride in being able to explain what I'm doing and also why I'm doing it.

Having said that, the USP would be :

I can fix your computer,  teach you how to do it yourself, and help you to become a power user.