Friday, July 29, 2022

What a circus!

Charles Bukowski said it best:

“We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus! 
That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. 
We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.”

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Is this the prequel for the Mad Max Universe

Summer  2022 

In Europe 

Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, France:

Lots of wild fire, then some more news about heat waves

then lots of discussion about helping the Ukrainians, and how the conflict with Russia was badly handled.

Germany is going to realize its economy is going to tank, because of energy shortage, and because nobody is buying their cars anymore.

Because of the restrictions applied to Russia, all of Europe is going to back stab each other (Hungary, and Turkey leading the ball)

Ukraine is going to be helped until France, Germany, Italy, Greece, Spain are going to be impacted by too much economical pressure, then their help is going to be slightly reduced, and Europe will then show its true color, ... 

September is going to be (depending on the overall atmosphere) either a 8th wave of covid to put everybody back in their home for a while ...

Or more restrictions, taxes, too see how much the government can ask for, before the population start taking the streets. Retirement age will be set to 65, and many will die before reaching this age, while having paid all their life for the benefit of retirement. 

Inflation is going to impact Europe, and the lowest tier of the population is going to suffer even more.

Riots and demonstration will follow. Then extremists will blame the migrants, and a rise of the nationalism will plant more violence everywhere, and isolate people. Hate crimes, then probably a resurgence of a new covid variant, then medical crisis, the power shortage, then unemployment...

When the army will be in the street, you know a new low would have been reached.

In the US

Another mass shooting, followed by another debate on the right to bear arms

followed by another debate on abortion, then on the gay rights, 

while inflation is going to run wild, and energy shortage are going to appear.

Before the 2024 Election, the democrats are going to push as many evidence of the wrong doing of the previous president, but will miserably fail at this.

Trump will make a mess, somehow by entering the Presidential race, or not entering, or just by being there...

China and Russia

Watching, observing, monitoring the mess and trying to add to the chaos in other countries, 

while using propaganda to show the benefits of dictatorship over democratic government.

Human rights are going to be once again completely ignored in the process.

From time to time, they will remind everyone, that they have nuclear weapons.


After the arrival of the Russian (to 'help' them), 

will most probably start to realize it is worse than ever.

just relax, and watch this entire planet enter  the 'Mad Max' Universe

It's just a ride ...

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The Deep End Full movie

Well, not the full movie (watch it on hulu)

but at least a review

This 'Deep End' docu-serie is artificially sensational, using all the best tricks of the trade (sound effects, video filters, video edition on crack)

The point of this fabrication? I'm not too sure at this point

The review though is really helpful, and the conclusion is that in a nutshell
Teal is not a cult leader, but somehow she has the seeds to become one
In the way she treats people of the inner circle.

Blake Dyer has left the building.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Another story

The Genesis, in a nutshell was the symbolic tale of the all mighty god casting out Adam & Eve from the garden of Eden

From there the misery of the human life began ...

But there could have been so many other Genesis 

Where instead God would have decided to leave the Garden of Eden, and leave Adam & Eve there ; while God would explore (or create) a different realm, that would have been the start of a completely different story-Arc.

From there, probably Eden would have started to be corrupted by inexperienced Adam & Eve, and a parallel realm would have been the new start for another Eden, probably even more beautiful.

Instead we have a corrupted World, with miserable human beings, always in conflict, always in pain, and looking up in the sky for a glimpse of a lost paradise, a place that is now out of reach...

Every efforts made since the dawn of human history has been in vain, for each new technology appearing there are terrible consequences, and a running cycle of birth, growth, collapse and ruins.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Crushed between Boomers and Gen Z

The Baby Boomer Generation was born in between 1946–1964, and they are now (most of them retired) being children of Boomer's parent, was like being raised by people who grew up just after World War 2 ; their own parents having fought, or were heavily impacted by the war.

The Boomers childhood was then quite tough, not much show of affection, drastic punishments, discipline was no joke, the value of work, the value of goods were really the focus of this generation.

Later, the boomers benefited a kick from the post war economy, and the increasing technological advances, they were courageous, hard working, and life seemed easy. Having children was encouraged, and purchasing a home, a car, some land, etc ... was an accessible dream. Many boomers were sent to Vietnam. Some of them discovered the sexual liberation, some of them tried hallucinogenic substances, this generation was already aware of an ecological crisis in the distant future. Finding a job was not too difficult, and the Boomers usually had a career for life.

The Boomers gave birth to Generation X (born between 1965 and 1980) ; these kids had parents that were quite busy, mothers started to work as well, Television had a really important part in this kids childhood experience, but still they played outside, and were quite tough, it is the generation that was watching Rambo, Rocky, and military movies. This generation idealized being a soldier, a veteran.

Cold War was the phantom menace of Generation X ; great movies were made that are still around, and still plays a role in the collective subconscious ; Star Wars, Indiana Jones, etc ... the movie industry was blossoming, Gen X were a bunch of dreamers, visionary, well educated, and moving away from traditional religion, since Science was taking more and more importance in their daily life.

This Gen X created the next revolution - the computer industry took over, with the first PC in the 80s, after that the Internet took off, and while the ecological topic was starting to get noticed, the fossil industries were starting to realize the constant economic growth would not be sustainable... lots of divorce as well

There were open conflicts in Irak, Afghanistan, and many other places...

The Gen X gave birth to Gen Z born between the late 1990s and the early 2010s, already having kids was not much encouraged anymore, it was tough, sacrifice were to be made. We purchased in brick and mortar shops, and started to buy books on Amazon (as it was their initial niche) usually we would stay 5 to 10 years at our job, because of merging, lay off, or other reasons (burn out). 

Gen X were impacted by unemployment, AIDS, various mental health issue, depression, drugs, etc ... and Gen Z went deeper into these civilization illnesses, most of these became 'doomers', most of them are addicted to social media, instagram, porn, ... they always relies on their iPhone, or Android mobile phone to check information, find the best deal, relies on Uber for travelling, Tinder to find a partner, Amazon to purchase anything,

And now Generation Alpha born between 2010 and 2025 starts to discover an increase in the non addressed civilization curses, with COVID, overall depression, and War in Europe (Russia attacking Ukraine)

I am Gen X and my parents were tough, absent, divorced, and now my millennial kids (Gen Z) are also from a broken home and are heavily addicted to their mobile phone, internet, social media and are impacted with several mental health issues. It is quite a challenge to be crushed between Boomers parents, with their traditional values, and sometime narrow minded views on education, and Gen Z kids who are very demanding, not communicative (always on their phone), suffering from allergies, or various mental health issue (ADHD, bi-polar, ...) they seems so vulnerable, so fragile ....

Ah, well 

I think I am going to get a good cup of 

Monday, July 11, 2022

The Deep End

The four-part series is directed by Jon Kasbe, produced by Bits Sola, and executive produced by The Documentary Group’s Tom Yellin and Gabrielle Tenenbaum.

The show is obviously biased, it feels like purposefully Teal is portrayed as a dangerous megalomaniac cult leader with delusions of grandeur

I think Fallon (Jared) is part of this documentaries.

In the end, there is no such thing as bad publicity' is the notion that all mentions in the media aid Teal's cause

Friday, July 8, 2022

The "Deep End" and Teal Swan #releasethefootage

Coming from under my rock, after the Covid crazy time, the Ukrainian war, the recent murder of the Japan former Prime Minister, the resignation of Boris Johnson, ...

Here comes a new (mini) scandal, a "Emmy Award-winning Team" has befriended the Teal tribe community (or maybe we are not allowed to use these words anymore?) and introduced themselves as good, benevolent, helpful people wanting to share Teal's work to a mainstream audience, and started in 2020-2021 a series for Hulu called 'the Deep end' 

A look inside the world of one of today's most controversial spiritual teachers and her dedicated followers.

But it was a deceptive attempt at gaining fame for themselves, 
by portraying Teal Swan as an arrogant, all powerful cult guru.

A Series by Jon Kasbe, and producer Bits Sola (she makes great slam poetry)

How does Teal being clairvoyant, could not have foreseen this betrayal? and comes to regret over and over that she did not recorded everything, to provide evidence of the whole masquerade.

Honestly watching the latest development of this sad affair in Teal latest video, is quite sad, hear breaking honestly, the editing work Kasbe team has done is grotesque, the light is all weird, the music is purposefully creepy, ...

This whole situation really reminded me of something from the Simpsons

But more seriously, 

Isn't this whole fiasco a legal case of defamation?

Thursday, July 7, 2022

None of this really matters

Once the realization that none of this really matters, and none of it's for us, 

Then it downs on us that it is all we have and we don't know why.

I mean the universe is vast. Not infinite, but incomprehensibly vast. 

We are not equipped to perceive the vastness of it all. 

In turn, nature did not equipped us to understand how small we are. 

Not just as individuals, but as a species. As a world.

And we don't really have any idea why any of it is. 

We have ideas on where it came from typically, we vaguely get variations of "first nothing, then something" (itself an unsettling concept when you try to really wrap your head around it, and because we cannot really perceive "nothing" either, let alone "something from nothing"). But we don't know why, and some belief systems actively discourage even trying to understand why.

The result is that here we are: Each of us a collection of cells given some sort of hive-mind programming that creates consciousness,  but still driven towards nothing more than our immediate needs, desires and, if we're lucky, maybe frivolous interests. 

And all of it with no real goal greater than maintaining our collection of cells long enough to spawn new collections of cells. 

Any goals we find beyond that are our own: Invented and imposed.

And the universe does not care. 

A lot of us can't really see that, either, but in the end? None of this is for us. 

Even adhering to some divine authority or purpose doesn't help, because that path is literally built to be more questions than answers - and to discourage either - in service to a goal we are told we cannot understand.

We are not as important as we like to think we are. 

Problem is, we're not really equipped to perceive that, either. 

So we just make up reasons for it all, fight tooth and nail to hold on to whatever we have and whatever we believe in.

We just keep going. And we don't know why.

That has to be a funny thing for higher beings...

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

My audience

How do you end up here on my blog? 
probably via a google search, right? 

I'm not fooled, I know quite well, that once you (dear visitor reader) will have found the content you were looking for, you leave and never come back 

Which is why I post daily here, to engage with my audience while of course trying to keep my very attached girlfriend at bay (her name is 'depression' by the way).

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

The reason things are not going to get better

For every problem we meet, we find a solution that is generating newer problems.

It is like a curse

Everything Humanity touch, seems to go extinct, corrupt, collapse or die.

Once the idea of making a profit starts to be introduced, the situation goes awry

Once the government starts to be involved, it is also another level of crazy that is added to an already difficult situation.

The improvement is rarely a simplification, the goal is rarely to simplify.

More regulations, more legislation, more control, more documents to fill, and the government is ready for the next step which usually is more taxes.

Nature will produce a tree, freely, as a joke ask a public servant to do the same thing, and the budget to build tree will be astronomical.

The problem is that on one hand, the governments all over the World are concerned only about one thing,  and it is their survival.

And on the other hand, starting anew, means there is going to be a lot of disasters, and we are more or less at this point in history, where the states are being insufferable, and the population disagree more and more on the new restrictions.

The next step for the government to protect itself, is to become dictatorship, like in Russia, China, North Korea, etc ... and what used to be the democratic advances, Human rights, basic decency starts to slowly disappear.

Retirement, right to bear arms, birth control, Abortion, Savings, decent salary, free circulation of goods, are going to be heavily regulated.

A wise man once said 'people should not be afraid of their government, governments should be afraid of their people'

Monday, July 4, 2022

The idea of God

Following Part 1 and part 2 discussion on the idea of God

Here comes more materials, and hopefully interesting starting points 

the revolutionary paradigm I want to introduce, is that

God is not separate from us, and we are only separated from God, because of our ego

Let's explore the Genesis text story line

First Adam and Eve were totally and all the time in the presence of God

but then after eating the forbidden fruit, there perception of reality was altered

was this an hallucinogenic substance, was it the development of a brain faculty, was it the introduction of the ego? that does not really matter ...

but from that moment, Adam and Eve discovered fear, and felt like they were separated from God.

From the moment, they entered this psychosis of 'us versus the entire Universe'

From that moment, everything around them was a potential threat, and death also appeared.

That really looks like Adam & Eve had tasted some powerful stuff, and were tripping bad, that the nice and loving Eden turned into Hell. 

God represents nature, the garden, the trees, the animals, the Universe, the logic of evolution, the benevolent power that guides everything slowly to transcend and evolve ... but Humanity started to question the whole thing, and started to think they could do better...

And look where we are now?


Friday, July 1, 2022

The concept of God

Following my previous article 

Some more thoughts about the 'concept of God'

To summarize my previous post, God concept from the Church was:

- God was separate from humanity

- God is all mighty and judge his creation

- There is Heaven and Hell, and therefor an 'afterlife'

The result of this philosophy was a very black and white ideology, where there is Good vs Evil

and this was the root cause of so many wars, another concept was that believing in God would turn the people into righteous fanatics, ready to go into crusade, and convert the unbelievers into believers or basically get rid of them.

Big big big paradox here, as the God worshiped by these crusaders was a God of Love and compassion, and yet bloodbaths would ensue everywhere the Christian evangelical explorer would colonize outside Europe.

Then there was another bloodbath in Europe while Christian were split into true Catholics, and Protestants. At this point Religion was really an excuse to kill and slaughter in the name of some imaginary God.

Once I discovered this side of Religion, I started to see the Ego in action, not the teaching of Jesus in action, and I started to doubt that any Church was anything but a cult, a successful one, a bigger one, but it has all the evidence of being a cult.

Because not only the killing, torturing and brain washing were there, but there was a lot of financial operations to keep the whole system afloat.