Friday, July 1, 2022

The concept of God

Following my previous article 

Some more thoughts about the 'concept of God'

To summarize my previous post, God concept from the Church was:

- God was separate from humanity

- God is all mighty and judge his creation

- There is Heaven and Hell, and therefor an 'afterlife'

The result of this philosophy was a very black and white ideology, where there is Good vs Evil

and this was the root cause of so many wars, another concept was that believing in God would turn the people into righteous fanatics, ready to go into crusade, and convert the unbelievers into believers or basically get rid of them.

Big big big paradox here, as the God worshiped by these crusaders was a God of Love and compassion, and yet bloodbaths would ensue everywhere the Christian evangelical explorer would colonize outside Europe.

Then there was another bloodbath in Europe while Christian were split into true Catholics, and Protestants. At this point Religion was really an excuse to kill and slaughter in the name of some imaginary God.

Once I discovered this side of Religion, I started to see the Ego in action, not the teaching of Jesus in action, and I started to doubt that any Church was anything but a cult, a successful one, a bigger one, but it has all the evidence of being a cult.

Because not only the killing, torturing and brain washing were there, but there was a lot of financial operations to keep the whole system afloat.

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