Thursday, June 30, 2022

Perception of God

My understanding of the concept of a God has changed over the years

When I was a child, the concept of God was introduced by the Catholic Church, my parents and family,

we all adhere to the idea of a God almighty that we had to fear, while he was really benevolent and kind to us, but from the reading of the Bible was also able to call upon us lots of calamities.

And God had a Son (Jesus) and Jesus was the bridge  between this all patriarchal God and us, the sinners, then there was the Holy Spirit, but the concept was difficult to visualize, ... 

There were chants, prayers, rituals and all that, and since I was a kid, and my parents seemed happy with the whole thing, I followed blindly. 

Later, I started to find the whole story quite challenging to accept, and I was also discovering other religions or Philosophies, like Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Paganism, and older mythology including Greek, and Roman Gods, and the idea of a unique God just made no sense anymore.

From that point, God was a separate Judge somewhere up in the sky, that was the ultimate arbiter of the human activities, and would decide which one was worthy to go to Heaven, or would be sent to Hell.

This ideology was probably acceptable during Medieval time, and the concept of the all mighty God was more or less embodied by the Kings, and Queens, and the Bible was pretty much a brain washing device to have all the good workers being obedient and keep working while the noble blood was having a good time (or would kill each other).

The big problem was that in the early Christian time, there were miracles, there were people who would experience God action, and would be later able to perform miracles as well, cure illnesses, etc ... And from that I could understand that converting to Christianity made sense.

But nowadays, Science is performing miracles, cure illnesses, provides to the masses devices that enable us to communicate over continent, ... and the Holiness, the Gods, the cultural rites, are all there to offer an excuse for War in the middle East, pretty much.

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