Sunday, December 29, 2013

Various guidance

Which Path to choose?

  • There is no path. Once you realize this, you understand your path.
  • When you choose the correct path, the one that fits you - it will feel as though you aren't doing anything at all. 
  • Otherwise, you are not acting in accordance with your flow, you are acting within the will of others. 
  •  When you realize that those around you do not have a will of their own, and are chasing their own desires forged from the intentions of others, you will experience that because you live according to your way, you have become unique. You are one with the path.

Other Guidance

  • If it's not your experience, it's not your truth
  • We are all one, and we mirror ourselves
  • When I say "you are" I often mean "I am".
  • The proof comes after the belief - it's not the other way around. It's because I believe it will work, that various situations or proof are coming to confirm me on my path.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Define Success

Being a success, enjoying success, being successful in life...
We all have heard this, and every time we feel like we've just failed in comparison - but we just failed at defining our true definition of success.

Because let's face it - we are all addicted to success, to read, listen or watch people who are telling how they have succeeded. But here again, to what kind of success? and there's where enter the seven spiritual laws of success :

7 spiritual laws of success

  • The Law of Pure Potentiality

Take time to be silent, to just BE.
Meditate for 30 minutes twice a day.
Silently witness the intelligence within every living thing.
Practice non-judgment.

It starts by listening, being contemplative - entering the stillness.
This has to be the first step - and that's where people are usually losing it by running into business, being fooled by the urge to do anything, just to be busy.
  • The Law of Giving

Today, bring whoever you encounter a gift: a compliment or flower.
Gratefully receive gifts.
Keep wealth circulating by giving and receiving care, affection, appreciation and love

The second step is to enter the flow - which is simply giving and receiving. To participate in any kind of environment is just that - like a breathing exercise, like a conversation ... what do you have to offer, and what do you want, what are your desires?
  • The Law of Karma

Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind.
Choosing actions that bring happiness and success to others ensures the flow of happiness and success to you.

The third step is to filter that flowing energy so it will be kind, gentle and will bring happiness - that's the key of this game, happiness and love because it will nurture the rest.
  • The Law of Least Effort

Accept people, situations, and events as they occur.
Take responsibility for your situation and for all events seen as problems.
Relinquish the need to defend your point of view.

The fourth step is acceptance, and responsibility - there are no problem but challenges, no lock but a puzzle to solve. Using the least effort, is a Taoist way to find solution - look how nature will always find the easiest path, "be like water" - develop the fluidity of the mind.
  • The Law of Intention and Desire

Inherent in every intention and desire is the mechanics for its fulfillment.
Make a list of desires.
Trust that when things don’t seem to go your way, there is a reason.

The fifth step is to name your desires, define what you are calling "success" - this isn't necessarily fame and riches, it might just be acquiring an artistic skill, to have a fulfilling relationship, and be observant as sometime things don't work out - which might be time to look into shadow work, to explore the underlying blockage.
  • The Law of Detachment

Allow yourself and others the freedom to be who they are.
Do not force solutions—allow solutions to spontaneously emerge.
Uncertainty is essential, and your path to freedom.

The sixth step is to accept ourselves as we are - and in order to do that you will need to know yourself - that's where the first step (meditation) will bring its benefits. This step will be drastically different from one person to another.
  • The Law of Dharma

Seek your higher Self.
Discover your unique talents.
Ask yourself how you are best suited to serve humanity.
Using your unique talents and serving others brings unlimited bliss and abundance.

The seventh step is to make this assessment of what makes you "unique" ; what are your strengths, your skills, start a list, and bring it to fruition.  That might be your intuition, your art skills, your psychic skills, your attraction to floral design, your friendliness, your capacity to endure pain, your experience with sports, your organizational skills, your writing ability, your ease with computer, your programming experience, your sense of timing, your talent is for you to find... but it is your path into bliss and abundance.

In conclusion, success is usually not in the goal, but in the path we are all taking in life.
For some like Leonardo da Vinci, it seems that many of his work were unfinished and incomplete, and he would probably feel like he was a failure - but nobody would argue that Leonardo was a successful person.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A Hard one to follow : Teal Scott

Teal is a busy bee

Following Teal Scott is now more than ever of a full-time job.

Since the last 3 months, she has created a new blog, on top of her existent and growing youtube channel, her forum, her "Shadow House" livestream - she is now very fond of transparency, that everybody can follow pretty much her every moves.

And that is good, very good - because by being transparent she is for the first time in Spiritual history - showing how an enlightened spiritual guide, struggle as well - and not distancing herself from her fans, by being put on a pedestal, she instead do the very opposite : showing her "shadow" aspect.


A little background is necessary for people not familiar with Teal Scott's life - she was born with extrasensory abilities (clairvoyance, seeing energie fields etc..), and was discovered and abused by a family acquaintance (a veterinary in his 60s) when she was only 6 years old - the abuse last until she was 19 (in 2003) and finally escaped her abuser (who she calls "Doc" in her blog) to take refuge in a friend's house - somebody she still living with, and who is now a business partner - that person is Blake Dyer.

After her escape, (or before the escape not sure the details) she went to China for a while, where she was trained to use her extrasensory powers properly for the first time - opening in her the hope that what was making her different wasn't a curse, but actually an extraordinary gift...

But returning back to Utah, she tried to forget altogether the Spiritual Path, and started modeling, and a sports career with the US Telemark Ski team (2004/2005) - then she married Mark Scott - had a son (Winter) and discovered that her son, had similar extrasensory abilities - she then decided to go back to her spiritual roots.

She wrote a book "The sculptor in the sky" (3/2011) and simultaneously started her youtube channel, then she thrived in 2012 (when the New Age was really growing like crazy, because of the Mayan Prophecy) and built a strong army of fans, while her marriage with Mark Scott began to deteriorate..

She then went into a difficult period in her personal life ending up in a divorce (beginning of 2013), but even though weaken, she started Teal Eye, and was looking to hire somebody to help her business grow, that's when Fallon entered her life, and for a while everything was fine again, she started her "Shadow House" livestream, where you can see her discussing with Blake, Fallon, and other followers clearing their shadow side (using Byron Katie technique sometime), while still living in Mark Scott's house in Utah.

Then was launched (September 2013) a project born because Teal felt that building Intentional Community was the next step (outside her growing facebook group platform) - in the same period, she started to blog daily, still posting video on a weekly basis, and doing workshop almost every 2 or 3 months... an amazing amount of work, and dedication mostly offered for free.


Now in a very surprising turn of events, mid October 2013 Fallon (her current partner) is uncovered as a sociopath - unveiling his "manipulative" agenda, and putting the community in turmoil, since then he has been expelled from her house, and he is now in therapy. 

Some like drama, some don't ... but you'll have to reckon that there is never a dull moment in Teal Scott's life.

But don't worry, Teal Scott has already proven that she is a tough cookie - In less than 2 years, starting from scratch, she has managed to raise a strong fan base (almost 70k likes on facebook), she has a vision, she has lots and lots of fan sending her love and support from all around the globe - and she has more things in store - an indiegogo campaign, an unpublished book (about "Self love") and a coming workshop in London (UK).

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Shadow Work practice

Today, I'll use "The Work" by Byron Katie to demonstrate  his use for a trivial question - (but is there anything as a trivial question?) - so here's my take to question the belief that Santa-Claus is Real or not :

Belief: Santa-Claus is real

1. Is it true? (Yes or no. If no, move to question 3.) 
Yes (I'm joking)

2. Can you absolutely know that its true? (Yes or no.)

3. How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought?
If I believe that Santa-Claus is real then I feel like a kid
I feel like it's Christmas and everything will be ok
I feel like "believing in fairy tale" is possible, like being naive, is being innocent and possibly happy

a) Does that thought bring peace or stress into your life?
Fun, excitement, everything is possible, ..

b) What images do you see, past and future, and what physical sensations arise as you witness those images?
I see an old jolly smiling fellow with white hair, rosy cheeks and a big belly - I feel I'm portraying something creating and conceived  by Coca-Cola in the 50s
I see a man going through chemney with present - I feel like it's weird and intrusive - why not coming through the front door?
I see a man with a long list of "good kids" and "bad kids" - I feel all the discrimination and injustice
I foresee the presents in the morning - and I feel like some won't have presents and that makes me feel sad.

c) What emotions arise when you believe that thought?
Anger, because it's another incarnation of the Patriarchal society.
Another way to force into our kid mind that we have to behave otherwise you won't get anything.

d) Do any obsessions or addictions begin to appear when you believe that thought?
The urge to go shopping and at the same time this awful sensation that it's all a big scam.
Drama, instead of peace
Being forcefed the thougth that in order to have fun we have to have lots of food and many presents to open. That happiness is in the having, not the being.

e) How do you treat the person in this situation when you believe the thought? How do you treat other people and yourself?
Santa Claus is like all the teachers, or any authority that I have encountered as a kid - he judges and condamns - and use his authority to spoil the good kid and punish the misbehaving kids. 
Creating a world of injustice, where some people get desperate because they have nothing and other have too much, and always want more.
I want to have a minimal christmas, just a glass of hot wine with honey
And making our own presents out of our own creations - and avoiding at all costs any shopping center.
I love myself I don't need a big fat guy to tell me I have behave correctly (according to what?)

4. Who would you be without the thought?
If I wouldn't believe in Santa-Claus ; I'll be an adult - everything is dull and magic is gone. The only thing left is to enjoy is the week-end.

Turn around:

1. To the self. 
I'm real.
Yep, that makes me my own authority - no need for Santa Claus

2. To the other. Other are real
Other people are real, they can totally do what they like as well.

3. To the opposite. Santa-Claus isn't real
And that's the truth - now, why do we persist on cramming this idiot story to our kids? Maybe so they can figure this out by themselves? And find out that the adult world is playing trick on them from an early age - so they can understand that they have to question everything... 

Well, maybe that's not too bad then.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Private Investigation

Identify the fear

During the day I ask myself "How do I feel?" this has two benefits - first it acts as a "reality check" for my Lucid dreaming practice and secondly it helps identifying a potential "malaise" related to a deep issue ; very often something I'm not even consciously aware of - then I get very quiet and contemplate what it is that is bothering me. When I'm ready then I write down these thoughts, one by one, on a piece of paper, until all this discomfort has dissolved itself, until I feel I've been to the bottom of the issue.
Then comes the time to question these thoughts or beliefs, one by one, I turn them around, and even try to visualize myself in various scenarios -- this is something I've learned from Byron Katie "The Work" or through Teal Scott's "shadow house" videos on Livestream.

Identify the belief

More often than not when a thought hurts me, I question it, and watch it let go of me.
I follow the series of questions from "The Work" : "it is true or not", I ask myself how I react when I believe it, and so on, and really listen to my emotions.
I noticed that if all thoughts I have are variations of : "This should be different ..." or "I want, need, should or shouldn't ..." -- it's usually that I'm on a dead end ; because I'm starting to argue with the reality of things. And that leads nowhere - but then usually after some visualizations exercises I find another "turn-around" and a lifting emotions then settle in.
Then I have usually identified a "hidden belief" something that usually comes from my childhood, and it's time for clearing it, again using the Work - it's a very recursive method ; and I always find wonderful how when I start, I had any ideas of where this "Inquiry" is going to lead me!

The benefits of Shadow work, is to raise awareness of what you currently allow taking place in your brain - not to be fooled or passive regarding to what software you're running in your head.

Kind of in the Dire Straits song "Private Investigation" - except you don't settle with "the new set of lies..." you work on it with Shadow work!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Baptism of Christ by Aert De Gelder
Baptism of Christ by Aert De Gelder


In one of her recent interview Teal Scott expressed one interesting fact about Jesus
Explaining that Jesus was actually an hybrid : half-human / half Pleidian
That Jesus was not really in super alignment all the time, that he was very much cultured, that during the last year of his life he was even interested in Buddhism (and travel to India) - that he wanted to give the power back to Humanity with his teachings, that were unfortunately terribly distorted (mainly because of translation issues). Link to the full interview is


What in the bible is called Angels are (according to Teal) a phenomenon of 6th dimension beings (Pleiadian and Arcturians are from the 6th dimension) crossing the 4th and 5th dimensions which causes them to appear as "light being".
In previous workshop Teal has explained that Adam and Eve were actually a Pleiadian male and Human female ; which would explain our need for clothing, the pain at birth etc ... which are all listed in the Bible (Genesis) and the fear appeared as a feeling of separateness (ego had just appeared too).
So when Jesus appeared, he would be the Redemptor Hominis ; the one who would help us reconcile our hybrid nature by introducing a new teaching :
1. We create our own reality
2. We are one with everything
3. Kingdom of heaven is within


But so many questions arise after that :
- What would have happened if the Pleiadian had never intervened on Earth?
- How would be a "real un-mutated human"?
- Was the coupling of Adman and Eve, the arrival of the Ego in mankind?
- Will the Pleiadian return a third time to "help us" again?
- when Jesus is talking about his "father in Heaven", he is actually talking about his Pleidian dad?
- After Jesus died and a Roman soldier thrust a spear and "blood and water" came from Jesus side  (see John 19:34) - is it because of his hybrid nature?
- Same question when he was able to transfigured (become a "light being") on he mountain (see Luke 9:28-36, Mark 9:1-8, and Matthew 17:1-6)

To me this makes a lot of sense, the first time Pleidian appeared in Earth's history was the fall of the human race - the second time was supposed to be the resolution of this "fall" to help humanity remember oneness ; the time when man realized he was more than human, that the importance was to love, that death wasn't the end.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A World addicted to war


Why, why would wars and conflicts be considered as a potential answer to any problem?
It's a Lose/Lose scenario all the way - nothing good can EVER come out of any conflict?
Then the question arise again, how can we be even thinking that it might be a solution...

Because we are living in a World addicted to War!

Inevitable, not

We are watching movies, reading stories, we are trained since little toddler to fight, and to struggle, we are conditioned to think of war as inevitable, and after all we have this gigantic arsenal at hand, that wouldn't be used ... wouldn't that be a waste of resources?!


History will judge us, harshly

War has been made sexy by the game and Hollywood industry, War sells, War creates drama, War solidify government presence, War change where the medias are focusing and while soldiers are fighting and flexing the nation weapon arsenal, everyone at home is quiet ...

But it's against all morality, all philosophical teaching, all common sense ... none of the issues will never be solved by more conflicts, it only benefits the warmongers, and feed the addiction for war.

The Broken Yogi Samyama: The Hypnotic Trance of Cults and Cultists: The problem with Nazism wasn't Hitler, it was the Nazis themselves, big and small, who were all too eager to play out a crazed and glorious fantasy.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Mass and energy

I may have said that the Universe was made of energy - but actually the Universe is made up of two things : particles and energy.

Let's first delve into particles.

There are two types of particles, fermions and bosons.  

Fermions are what we call matter. They have all the properties we normally associate with matter, like having mass and taking up space. Two fermions cannot be in the same place at the same time. Scientifically, a fermion is any particle that has half integer spin.

Bosons are also particles, and they have whole integer spin. Bosons are particles, but don't behave like matter at all. A whole bunch of them can be in the same place at the same time. For instance, the most "famous" boson is the photon, the light particle. As a rule, bosons are the "mediator" particles: photons are responsible for electromagnetic force, gravitons for gravity, etc.

Both fermions and bosons are particles, only fermions are matter. It turns out, a property of particles is that most particles have mass (except for the photon, the only massless particle).

Thus all the fermions have mass, this is one of their properties.
Making up the other half of the universe (well, in fact a lot more than half. There is a lot more energy than matter out there, but I regress) is energy.

Monday, June 3, 2013

This feeling of being "Dead Inside"

No desire

It seems that I'm stuck again, don't know what to do - and don't feel like doing anything really either.
I've just realized that from my previous job I inherited a core belief that all customers are bad ; and this isn't helping me in my Freelance job.
I tend to refuse most jobs now - always a good excuse, but that isn't getting me nowhere
Or is it ?
I sure have plenty of time for  my own projects, things I enjoyed doing - except that lately, my enjoyment seems to be fading away.
I know my mood has changed, because video I used to enjoy watching - like Teal Scott's channel ; seems now boring. But how can this be ? Teal use to be for me the most joyful spiritual help.

Searching for meaning

Instead of searching for the root cause (I suspect something, but need this to mature a bit) ; I'm trying to look for a way to move away from this feeling of being utterly useless. Last night I couldn't remember my dream. It's like I haven't had one.
A dreamless night - that doesn't make sense.
Actually more and more things don't make sense.
It's like I'm back in my old way of looking at invoices and chores, and the repetition of days without the joy inside, without the will to learn new things - Everything seems to have lost his glitter.
I've been reading many self help books like "Feel the fear and ... do it anyway" from Susan Jeffers maybe that's the counter effect ?!
This feeling doesn't have anything to do with fears (or is it?)
More like a "why bother?!" mood about everything ; if I have to wait for something, what is it ?
Maybe that's my old unfulfilled desire to experience an OBE ?
But lately I felt that this wasn't that important - something else is dragging me down.
Maybe I'll just take a nap.

Sunday, June 2, 2013


What do we know so far

I'll list everything I've read and heard even the most absurd
- It's just a ride, we are actually living in a virtual reality, a school, an academy
- we are not just our body, but are a physical manifested ego of an higher self (that some are actually calling "God")
- Being immersed in an hologram, a fractal universe everything is made of the same thing over and over, this Universe is energy, in various shape and form and multidimensional.
- Every thought transforms reality ; every interaction is potentially creating something new, and every desires is definitely pushing us forward.
- The nature of time has never really been understood so far
- There are other reality, within this Universe ; other "dimensions"
- Some dimensions are also physical but some are non physical - like the dream-world
- The "Dream dimension" is an interesting place where we are at the being level "conscious" and go through experiences like we would watch a movie ; but with some experience we can awake during the dreams and then enter another state called "Lucid dreaming".
In this non physical place everything is possible, there's no time delay between a desire and his manifestations.

- After 2012 we have left the Iron Age (the old energy) and we are now in the Aquarius Age (the new energy)
- There's a shift going on and it will lead us into this new Age.
- Within this new energy, the feminine and the masculine are going to adjust (finally!).

How to help the transition?

Open your mind, keep a journal.
Changing your diet (to get rid of meat, sugar and artificial flavor also fluoride).
Meditating daily, entering that silent place where the mind can rest.
Being patient, honest, rigorous, and focused....

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Benefits of meditation

Higher self

For some it might come as a shock that the little voice we hear in our head - that constant noise or chatter - can be stopped. Yes, it can.
How ?
By this practice of quieting the mind.
There are multitude of methods, and each and everyone can find his own way.
The benefits are obvious - for some it will take time to enter that zone, while for some the practice seems to have been inherited from past lives.
Everything is possible, the practice of meditation is highly recommended.
When you silence the chatter, another voice can be heard - it has different names, intuition, higher self etc ...


After a while, when you practice meditation you will get to know your body, listen to your intuitions, and see things differently.
At some stage, you will probably see the benefits of changing your diet - eat less or no meat, less sugar, and less dairy products.
And you will also be able to listen more carefully, become more compassionate, patient, and be aware of your breathing.
Another step is the awareness of being in the "now".

Oprah will talk about transcendental meditation on OWN - Chicago Sun-Times

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


New age "Amazon"

As previously stated in my previous article Women are rescuing the world
A new energy is flowing an energy of compassion and allowance - but that doesn't mean there are no conflict anymore.
Women are using the "old energy" way to restore the balance, kicking some ass and exposing the masculine his hypocrisy and unfairness.
After centuries and centuries of oppression, this new age "Amazon" are perceived as a threat to the establishment - but it is in fact a counter balance movement that was inevitable. A movement that is healthy and beneficial.
Many people are supporters and are enjoying Femen's actions, because they are in a way a sub-conscious call from the collective mind to bust the overwhelming, exploitative and destructive ways of the ultra-religious, the powerful greedy barons and the narrow minded inadequate ante-dated politics.


But as everything we resist, persist, at some stage this new Amazon will have to face the fact that there are no real solution provided by the resistance ; and will have to envision what is it that they want to see the World - I mean it's a good feeling to see them protesting - but that "old energy" is decaying. It will fall sooner or later, what is the kind of world Femen is looking for ?!
Or maybe that's not their job to figure that - their current objective is to be in the first line and make room for the next women to create balance, and build communities where the men and women will be able to work together.
As every response to an oppressive force is a counter force that is in the same way violent - Femen are the payback movement coming back full force to the "old energy" - it has his value, but it will have to cease after the balance is restored.

The femen phenomenon | Photographers Blog: they have done more for Ukraine and its European aspirations than all the politicians and all the expensive adverts ordered by the government.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Women rescue the world

Learning to listen to emotions

Meditating and listening, observing in silence of the mind - becoming harmony, and acceptance. This isn't the way of the warrior - this isn't the old way of the masculine.
Letting things grow, peacefully, watching with a heart filled with joy, no judgement but a genuine love for all things - this isn't the old way of the explorer.
Respecting all things, all animals, all nature, remembering we are part of it - and she's part of us - embracing this feeling with awe - this isn't the old way of the hunter.
Seeing everybody as brothers and sisters, on the same level, horizontally arranged in the magnificent net of life - this isn't the old way of the ruler.

We are moving into an era of pure flexibility, of acceptance, where everything that resist will be absorbed, where the keyword is water and the symbol is fluid. No more beliefs, no more master, because the old time is over.
What are emotions but the thoughts of the heart?
And who can understand this better than the women?


 Man and woman hand in hand again

In the old day there was this feud - the woman has been made responsible for the fall of man - by whom? by the men, why because men were afraid. The fear spread, and the Iron age started that way.
By putting women out of balance.
Now this time is over, man is realizing his dual nature - man is man and woman - he is both and if he hurts the feminine - he hurts himself.
Man can't go any further ignoring this ; his logic, his desire for power, his disconnection with nature has lead him into conflict, into war, into the most fearful situation, and he certainly will resist, as he always had, but that doesn't matter - the situation is different now.
The only exit is acceptance, and harmony, being flexible, and loving.

Thursday, May 9, 2013



Musings by Samsaran / Meditation: A Right Way and a Wrong Way: Remember, in meditation we are not drowsy, passive or unaware. We are the opposite. One can be highly focused and aware without conscious thought. One cannot be bored if you are properly focused. Boredom is the mind seeking stimuli. The mind only does this if it is wandering. Avoid being frustrated if it wanders. It is a natural reaction. Just bring the mind back to center as many times as necessary.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Fractal Universe


In a fractal Universe, we are little inter-dimensional probes in exploration of 3D earth. 
What do we see when our eyes are closed?
Can we see the back of our heads?
Can we see the color of our brain?
We are creators too, a probe and a creator - our mission is to observe and create - to be curious and question things inside and outside of us.
The Universe is intelligent, and conscious


Living on the Earth for a little while, we are Earthling, but as soon as we return to Source, we're back to what we really are - Universal beings. As the Earth is generating Earthling, Universe are generating Universe. That is the essence of the Fractal Universe. We are little baby Universe, learning and growing.
But first we need to wake up!

The Sun Magazine | Who Hears This Sound?: The heart of my teaching is to help people question their argument with reality, with what is, and also to help them question their whole notion of themselves.

Tear Down This Wall: The State of Nothing-Alan Watts: The State of Nothing Lecture by Alan Watts

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Virtual reality or hologram


Since my last written intention to have an OoBE ; something really happened, during my dream I woke up - and now I can interfere, or change the direction of the dream - which is very interesting.
It already happened 3 times, one key is to succeed is to have a look at your hands - I don't know why, but this simple action make the transition.

Lucid dreaming

In he first experience, I was walking in what looked like a forest, and noticed one orange blob on the side, which kind of get me a strange feeling, like there was a visual hallucinations, I then watched my hands and continue my walk, I wanted to meet other people there - and then I met a strange looking dog on the top of a hill, he was a bit aggressive and I asked out loud "What does this represent?" after that question the dog went closer and was very friendly. I guess it was a kind of a test.

There's something radically different when you wake up during a dream - the vision is still the same, things are a bit blurry, or not very well defined, or jumps a bit out of place, or change - but the fact that you are now aware is empowering.


Dreams are just a different reality that we perceive, in dreams we can have many encounters, and many experience, everything happens with what we have experienced so far - it's a cumulative "rule set" that we carry - it's a reflection of what we are as a spiritual being.

Everything is us, in the dream - the surrounding, the buildings, the forest, the sky - if there is a conflict, it has its source in something in our life.

Everything is mental.
Everything is emotional, I've read that the "astral body", is also called the "emotional body" - that makes sense.


There is a little issue to try to intellectualize the process, to try to make sense of dreams - this isn't going to well - and usually end up the whole experience, lucid dreams are fragile like butterflies. My little experience is filled with emotions - but nothing makes sense, it's just vapors.

In contrast our waking hours spent in what we call reality is much more stable, experience can last longer, and are the result of our focus, attracting things, persons or events that we are a match with.

Everything is mental.
Everything is slower and subjective.

In comparison with the dream experience, reality is a shared experience, a place of co-creations, things aren't just like in dreams from our own perspective.

Unless you're putting yourself in an hermit environment, where there's little interactions with others beings. 
REALITY: Hologram of many holograms | Resonates With Me: As an analogy, if your computer screen offers you many choices, and all you have to do is click on one of them to select it, then your imagination is the total of all the available choices on the screen. Moving the mouse to the desired choice is like focusing your imagination on one particular vision. And then clicking on that choice is like using your feelings to activate your selection…

Sunday, March 24, 2013

What you believe, you create

OoBE intent

I'm having a blast reading William Buhlman "Secret of the Soul" - a very good book ; very interesting -- it make many references to another previous book called "Adventure beyond the body".
The topic is achieving OoBE (Out of body experience), a subject I'm very interested in, because this is the best way to get answers ; not by listening or reading things, but by actually having the proofs ; experiencing the truth.
As William Buhlman said in an interview every religion is somehow based on a prophet having mind blowing OoBE and after that trying to convince his followers, which has created a religious system that degenerates -- but the turning point in humanity would be to have the experience ourselves, as individual - this practice if made on a large scale could really revolutionize our beliefs system.

The closest I've been so far, was reaching the vibration state, but I got excited and couldn't go any further - and I had also 3 lucid dreams so far. My intent is to have an OoBE. And I will write the result here in this blog. 

In the meantime

Winter is officially over, but Spring isn't strong yet, temperature are still very low and everybody is tired.

Etheric body - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: In the teachings of Theosophy, Devas are regarded as living either in the atmospheres of the planets of the solar system (Planetary Angels) or inside the Sun (Solar Angels) (presumably other planetary systems and stars have their own angels) and they help to guide the operation of the processes of nature such as the process of evolution and the growth of plants; their appearance is reputedly like colored flames about the size of a human being. It is believed by Theosophists that devas can be observed when the third eye is activated. Some (but not most) devas originally incarnated as human beings

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Solar flares


Winter is over, the days are getting brighter and brighter and as soon as the temperature will allow it, we will all be strolling in parks, and walking in the forest, and enjoying a good weather.

There is this theory that what you don't resolve inside spiritually, has a way to appear externally in the physical world. That is a statement made by Rudolf Steiner and it kind of make sense.

But then the solar flares, must be some kind of World anger - a big giant crazy violent rage ... deeply buried in the collective unconscious.


The war against all is already pretty much in place ; on one hand today there is a part of the population that is slowly awakening to the new vibrations and who is trying to digest what it means to be at peace with oneself, to slowly get the fact that we are all one, and that in fact we have to relearn everything, because we have believed in lies, and we have thought illusions to be real.

And the other part of the population is now freaking out, because all the signals are red, all the crisis, the stress, the alarm, the signs of collapse, the lies, the outrage, the violence is getting overwhelming.

Nasa warns solar flares from 'huge space storm' will cause devastation - Telegraph: Scientists believe it could damage everything from emergency services’ systems, hospital equipment, banking systems and air traffic control devices, through to “everyday” items such as home computers, iPods and Sat Navs.

Due to humans’ heavy reliance on electronic devices, which are sensitive to magnetic energy, the storm could leave a multi-billion pound damage bill and “potentially devastating” problems for governments.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Shadow work

Flower of life pattern

Here's a little experiment,  I discovered that you could use the flower of life pattern as a tool for shadow work : to explore your thoughts and reveal/find connexion between ideas - that you won't consciously find otherwise.

I did the exercise twice on money - it starts in the centre of the pattern - with the number 1 - then follow the sequence up to 19.


In both case the outcome is positive, but the path leading to it is either blissful or destructive. It shows how money is just a tool - something that facilitate changes.
It acts as a catalyst somehow forcing things to choose side.

And it's true, who could really stay neutral on the controversial topic of money ?

vive memor leti - Maria Konnikova: Unclutter Your Brain Attic Like...: So, what a researcher would do at the beginning of an experiment is to say, what is my question? And that’s exactly what Holmes does. He says, what is my goal? What do I want to accomplish? Before he ever opens a case, before he ever meets a client, he already wants to know what is it that I want to get from this meeting. And so he comes into the meeting with a prepared mindset. His attic has already been primed, so to speak, to take in certain inputs and to not allow other inputs in. This is important because attention is incredibly finite, and so we don’t have just endless resources, so we can’t pay attention to everything; we do need to be selective to what we pay attention to.

Friday, February 22, 2013

To Be in Alignment

To be in alignment

What Does It Mean to Be in Alignment?: Your emotions are the indication of whether the thought you're thinking at this moment is in alignment with the frequency of your desires and Source or out of alignment with your desires and Source. If you think thoughts which are out of alignment with Source, you feel negative emotion. If you think thoughts which are in alignment with source, you feel positive emotion. You are biochemically hardwired to go in the direction of alignment. All you have to do to stay in alignment therefore is to care first and foremost how you feel, choose to think thoughts that feel emotionally good to you and stop focusing on thoughts which feel emotionally bad to think.
Scott, Teal "What Does It Mean to Be in Alignment?." What Does It Mean to Be in Alignment?­Does-­It-­Mean-­to-­Be-­in-­Alignment?&id=7135510


This is currently my focus, and it's simple in some way, and hard at the same time.
I can feel a surge of positive emotions suddenly, to send an email to somebody, then when the computer is started, feel nothing or starting to write the mail and feeling empty.

Another thing, that happen a lot is me questioning the motivations behind my thoughts, and then I realize that many of the things I want to do are motivated by my need for acceptance, and getting approval from people. To get noticed.

After that last realization, I decided to meditate, and tried to do nothing for awhile ; waiting for things to settle down, and to see more clearly how I could be in alignment ; that's when I realized that doing nothing is a nightmare - forcing myself to stay sit for more than an hour is really hard.

I've been practicing meditation daily, every morning (more or less) around 20mn (I don't look at the watch) for about 2 years now. And the chasing of thoughts is something I'm getting better at, especially since I've been introduced to "shadow work" techniques.

But doing nothing, staying still for the purpose of just clearing the way, to let the space of "what is really important" emerges - that's something that gives me trouble ; because, there's a flow of impulses to do all sort of things, washing the dishes, cleaning this, going shopping, cooking, sorting papers, that comes jumping and bouncing like little crazy elves ...


And then I'm thinking how do other people do ? they just don't stop - nobody stop, the entire humanity is running up and down, talking, arguing, working, traveling, agonizing, dreaming, all the time - but nobody stop -- does this have to do with the proverbial "idleness is the mother of all sins" ?

What's wrong with stillness ? it's the mother of understanding, the mother of gratitude, the mother of thankfulness. Even when we are babies, people have to come and poke us in the stomach, without even realizing it, because we like to see things moving.

Are we afraid of stillness, because it reminds us of death ?

Yesterday I was staring at a piece of marble, and suddenly for the first time I was watching it - it's like something clicked in me, before I was looking, but a few seconds later I was appreciating what was in front of me, I liked the textures, the spots of colors, the complexity of the patterns, I was present at that moment, it felt good.

It happened after I made some hypothesis on what could be my purpose in life, I retraced my life like everything was a conscious choice of me during all these past years to come to that moment. For example, I said to myself I choose my mother because she was a teacher, and my father because he was smart, then I choose to be born there, and it all pushed me into a catholic school where I was taught things that insulted my intelligence, but I choose to believed them - then it lead me to various boring jobs with no particular interest, which lead me to push everything aside, and to dig into spirituality and then to finally after all these years spent in the darkness of ignorance, to walk the path toward truth, things are starting to make sense, the light is entering. I welcome the light, I'm craving for more knowledge ...

It was like my life was built with the contrast of total immersion in ignorance and suffering and now (after 2010) knowledge and  healing. It's still very much a work in progress, but I felt that way, and then I saw what was in front of me (the marble).

And now I'm seriously thinking to write a "love" letter to Teal Scott.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Teal the Catalyst

On this blog, I've mentioned in the past many guides, mind explorers, visionaries and teachers, like Byron Katie, Master Tony, Ma Nithya Sudevi, William Buhlman, Eckart Tolle, Matias de Stefano (and Alan Watts, Terence McKenna, Rudolf Steiner, etc ...)

But there's one particular person, I'd like to support a little more today - because she is like a beacon of light ; That person is Teal Scott ; also known as the "Spiritual Catalyst"

Her ideas are a breeze of fresh air :

We are all extension of source
We create our own reality just by being a match in vibration with something or someone
What we resist, persist
Core Teachings of Teal Scott: The Spiritual Catalyst
Words Of Wisdom with Teal (Feel Good Ask Teal Episode with Teal Scott)
A Message About Love - Teal Scott

Here's a compilation of many of her videos


Do People Who Commit Suicide Go To Hell?
How Do I Discover Self Worth?
Does Karma Exist?

What is My Purpose?
What is the meaning of life? Are we here because of Creation or Evolution?
Karma and Reincarnation, The Karmic Scapegoat.
Spiritual Drug Use...What is your opinion?
What is Source?
Teal Scott Speaks About Science and Spirituality, The Future and God
A Message about Bad Days (Inspiring, Feel Good Ask Teal Episode)
What is the Meaning of Life?


Answers to God, afterlife, life and death, Psychic and clairvoyant gifts, ghosts and religion.
Does Prayer Work? Do Prayers Get Answered?
What religion are you?


What are The Akashic Records (Part1)?
How to Access The Akashic Records (Part2)?
How to Have an Out of Body Experience?
What are Spirit Guides?
What Happens When We Die?

Ghosts and Afterlife
Do Demons Exist? Angels and Demons (Part I of II) With Teal Scott
Do Angels Exist? Angels and Demons (Part IIof II) With Teal Scott
Why Don't We Remember Our Past Lives?
What is a Ghost?
What is Alchemy?

Shadow work 

What Is Shadow Work? And How Do I Do Shadow Work?
What About Relationships? Do Twin Flames Exist?


Is There a Spiritual Diet?
Should I Vaccinate?
Should I Get an Abortion or Keep the Baby?
Teal Scott on: Spiritual Cooking


What Does God Think About Sex?
Is Being Gay a Choice?
Teal Scott Interview Segments About Childhood Abuse.


Ego or Intuition? How do I know whether it's my true self talking or my ego talking?
Is There a Difference Between Positive Thinking and Glossing Over Negative Thought?

If I should do what emotionally feels good, what about revenge?
What Are Emotions?
"Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? Why Life Seems Unfair)"
Is it Selfish to Seek Happiness? Helping Yourself vs. Helping Other People?


Promise Me - Poetry and Prose by Teal Scott: The Spiritual Catalyst


Parenting 101 - Ask Teal Episode about Raising Children in 2012 (Full Clip)
How Do Babies See The World?


An Interview With Teal Scott aka The Spiritual Catalyst
Interview With Teal Scott #1 ~ Inner Balance TV~Dwaine Hartman
Interview With Teal Scott #2 ~ Inner Balance TV~Dwaine Hartman
Interview With Teal Scott #3 ~ Inner Balance TV Dwaine Hartman
Interview With Teal Scott #4 ~ Inner Balance TV Dwaine Hartman
Interview With Teal Scott #5 ~ Inner Balance TV Dwaine Hartman
Teal Scott Interview with The Oswego Show
Teal Scott ~ TMRN 2012 09 ~ 21 Time Monk Radio Interview
Happiness, Oneness, The Energy Field, Ritual Abuse and her book The Sculptor in the Sky

How to

How To Live From The Heart? (Ask Teal Episode on Living From Your Heart Instead of Your Head)
How to Manifest Money?
How to Change a Belief?
How to Stop a Panic Attack?
How to Help Someone Overcome Addiction?
How to Discover What You Want?
How to Let Go of Guilt
How to Raise Your Frequency?
How To Let Go of Mistakes?
How to get what I want? "Attitude of Appreciation"

New Age

Ask Teal Episode About Crystals and Gemstones
Is The New Age Movement an Illuminati Conspiracy?

What is the 2012 Shift?
Frequency Paintings by Teal Scott: The Spiritual Catalyst

Monday, February 11, 2013

War with the self

Unhappiness is unnatural

To be unhappy is an unnatural state of being ; this is something that has to be learned - this is a disease that parents are transmitting to their children.

You don't believe me ?

What is the benefits of being unhappy ? what's the reward ?
What are the incentives given to unhappy people ?


Being unhappy makes us happy

There's no other way to put it - we are unhappy because we want to conform.
Being happy in an unhappy society is like being oddity.
Ultimately we are free to choose between happiness and unhappiness.
Why do we choose unhappiness ? why do we believe that thought that say "if you're happy, something is going to happen that will ruin everything and then you will be unhappy"


Don't worry, be happy

Dear reader, put a smile on your face and for no reason whatsoever - choose to be happy
opt for the happiness within.
Make peace with yourself - question your thoughts, be friend with yourself.

Byron Katie: Finding Kindness & Questioning Stressful Thoughts - YouTube

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Symbolic Process

Out of body experience

Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

John 3:3
King James Version (KJV)
What if being born again just mean to go out of the body ?
Reading the passage above then makes a lot more sense. The astral body during sleep leaves the physical body this is like being born again.

 Blind to the spiritual

The Apocalypse of Peter -- The Nag Hammadi Library: And he said to me, "Be strong, for you are the one to whom these mysteries have been given, to know them through revelation, that he whom they crucified is the first-born, and the home of demons, and the stony vessel in which they dwell, of Elohim, of the cross, which is under the Law. But he who stands near him is the living Savior, the first in him, whom they seized and released, who stands joyfully looking at those who did him violence, while they are divided among themselves. Therefore he laughs at their lack of perception, knowing that they are born blind. So then the one susceptible to suffering shall come, since the body is the substitute. But what they released was my incorporeal body. But I am the intellectual Spirit filled with radiant light. He whom you saw coming to me is our intellectual Pleroma, which unites the perfect light with my Holy Spirit."
Science and materialism in general is creating a world of blind - putting aside the spiritual layer of life is making people unaware of a large portion of their life. But does Science has the answers to question like "What are ghosts ?" "What happen after a person die ?" "What are dreams ?" "What is enlightenment ?" "What is free will ?" ... trying to ignore spiritual matter just lead to ignorance, confusion and fear.

Back to the classic

Pythagoras Brings the Symbolic Process to the West.: Pythagoras created Western philosophy, empirical science, occult initiation, geometrical symbolism, and number theory. Most of what is generally known is gleaned from the works of Plato and the remnants of his Academy—the academic perspective. The difference is that Plato was escaping from reality into abstract idealized alternatives which fit so well with the cloistered Medieval Scholastic monks.
Look within
Know yourself
Start questioning

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Close your eyes

What do you see when you close your eyes ? that very question popped up during my morning meditation and I started to look after what I was seeing, and even though my first reflex was to answer "nothing, I see nothing" it wasn't entirely true - nothing is an empty word - it doesn't exist.

I am seeing something - this doesn't make sense, but I'm seeing color, shapes in a very fast manner.

This is something I'm so accustomed of that I never paid attention to, these are remnant of light that I've seen before closing the eyes obviously, or something that my brain is analyzing as "moving shadow" or some sort of blobs.

What other people think is irrelevant

Why ? because we are all one ; and we should try to think for ourselves - if my thoughts are about what another person is thinking -- then there's a tiny problem.
First, there's no way I can be sure of what this person is really thinking (unless I ask that person, and the answer will be genuine)
Secondly, why would that make a difference for me : If what I'm doing is completely in accord with what I'm supposed to do.

Basically looking around for approval is only something a newbie would do to receive acknowledgement.

But if you are living in alignment then receiving approval or critics from somebody else is completely irrelevant. At some level of mastery in any subject (art, music, dance, sport etc ...) when an individual is acting in the flow of the art he masters - the joy he receives is his only guide.

People applauding, cheering or heckling is just a hindrance at that level of play - this is just "noise" ignored by the master.

Knowing Authenticity

How to Not Care What Other People Think:
The good news is that authenticity is a learn-able skill. Like anything else, it all comes down to practice.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Start playing D&D

Back in the days

When I have been introduced to role playing games, back in the 90s - it was like I've discovered a portal to an infinities of new worlds.

I remembered listening to one guy in my class explaining with a lot of gestures the adventure he had on the week end.

Then it has became an priority for me to be initiated into that role playing experience.

First contact

But it wasn't easy, I remembered - back then the dungeon master guide (DMG), monster manual (MM) and player hand book (PHB) were a bit expensive for students, also we gathered the money and started playing with a group of people. It was really fun. But then at first, it was tough because unless you had an experienced player (usually the DM) giving instructions, we didn't know what to do ?! the engine of this game is imagination and initiative, the rest is just structure given by the rules, but when I had to prepare my first game as a DM - I felt a bit lost and kept reading and reading DMG parts that I never had to use (adventure in city, how the guild works, etc ...) 

Now I guess it doesn't make much sense, with the plethora of video games ; once you've understood the character creation part and the set of keys to use  - you are set for the game.

Video games killed the RPG Star

Role playing game isn't a big market now, because of the preparation time it requires, it takes a lot of work (compared to the basic video game) before you can assemble a team of players and start an adventure.

Another thing is to find a group of player that will be able to come regularly to session - otherwise it's not very enjoyable in the long run.

But since once again the motor of the role playing game is imagination and initiative ; for the connoisseurs the gratification of a good session is thousands times better than grinding on a video game. My advice is start playing D&D you'll develop a lot of very useful skills like imagination, initiative, empathy, acting, inventiveness, interactivity, organization, story-telling, entertainment, leading, and it's a good way to make friends.


If anybody is interested in discovering role playing I'd recommend this page ; it gives good advices.

Some friends and I want to start playing D&D. What to buy, what to do now?
 "Some friends and I want to start playing D&D. What to buy, what to do now?"

Friday, February 1, 2013

World of Illusions

What is an illusionist ?

From the excellent d20 website it's a wizard variant that has this ability to distort realities, to mass charm people into believing what he wants.

It really has no "real" power - and therefor some players are wondering why even play an illusionist compared to a mighty paladin, ferocious barbarian or skilled ranger ?

Benefits of playing an illusionist

But the fact is the illusionist is introducing really interesting new parameter in the game.
He can scare a lot of people, by creating illusion of a stone giant in the busy market place of a tiny village, then the rogue can take advantage of this situation by looting all shops.
He can make the entire party becomes invisible, he can create distractions when the party is heavily wounded and has nowhere to hide.

The illusionist can also be used as a king adviser to keep the population quiet, by creating intrigues and plot - so the king can mass-control his subjects.

An illusion is an unquestioned belief.

When a party knows that an illusionist is there - everybody is regularly making saving-throw ; that's the only way to go with these

What does that have to do with spiritual growth?

Our Ego is a master illusionist, he has this capacity of distorting realities, sending false signals, and decoy all over the place when you start to get serious in your spiritual growth.

Doing Shadow work is a nice way to avoid falling in the traps the Ego is setting.

For every thought the exercise is to ask the 4 questions (see "The Work" by Byron Katie) - is it true ? can you absolutely know that it's true ? How do you feel when you believe this thought ? How would you be without this thought ?

And perform a couple of "turn-around" to see this thought through different lights.

I spontaneously do this while I'm awake during the night, and this had an impact on the dream I had. The results are real, at first emotionally it's quite vivid.

But as far as I can see now, the emotional roller-coaster is just a physical reaction to the loss of the unquestioned belief, but it doesn't have to be the goal to look for - it feels good crying when you realize how badly you had rooted a core-belief, but the crying or laughter aren't important - the work is.

Looking for freedom is the true progress

Question your thoughts, don't be fooled

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Memory exercise

Learning to listen and to observe is really at that time a priority and already is giving a lot of results - but it's a demanding business and not being able to do anything automatically is sometime slowing down processes.

To be awake in the sense of knowing at any given moment, what I am doing, and why, what time is it, how long have I been doing this, what is around me, where I left things around in the house, how many tasks are still pending for today ... is something that is already giving a lot of benefits.

Deficient observation is merely a form of ignorance and responsible for the many morbid
notions and foolish ideas prevailing. There is not more than one out of every ten
persons who does not believe in telepathy and other psychic manifestations,
spiritualism and communion with the dead, and who would refuse to listen to
willing or unwilling deceivers?
— Nikola Tesla

Strengthening the will

A second task is to strengthen the will, in a first attempt I'm going slowly just by avoiding sugar and reducing bad habits (like checking facebook or reddit for no reason, but instant gratifications) - this is tough, but has another set of benefits (health).

The Brain is a muscle

Like a muscle it need exercises and will thrive later on.
I've got the feeling that I've let things going down the slopes for a while, and will need to return to a more agile mind.
Universe Grows Like A Brain | Social Networks | LiveScience: Past studies showed brain circuits and the Internet look a lot alike. But despite finding this functional similarity, nobody had developed equations to perfectly predict how computer networks, brain circuits or social networks grow over time, Krioukov said.

Using Einstein's equations of relativity, which explain how matter warps the fabric of space-time, physicists can retrace the universe's explosive birth in the Big Bang roughly 14 billion years ago and how it has expanded outward in the eons since.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Dreaming in a Dream-World

Two Parts

We could separate life in 2 parts - the day life and dream life, but this phenomenon is artificial - because somehow life is a spent in a dream-state ; we are creating our reality.

During a dream (a couple of times) I had the opportunity to "sort of" wake up and then I could change the dream course - and this lead me to realize something quite mind blowing ... the change in a dream is instantaneous while the change we wish for in what we call reality takes more time - it's like we are living in a denser dream.

Another difference is that the dream we have is our - it's actually an immersion in our own universe of symbols, emotions, experiences, memories ... while the so-called "real life" is a dream made by a higher conscious, but we're participating in it.

Waking up

Philip K. Dick had many insight into that while he wrote in the appendix of his book "Valis" :
We appear to be memory coils (DNA carriers capable of experience) in a computer-like thinking system that, although we have correctly recorded and stored thousands of years of experimental information (knowledge, gnosis), and each of us possesses a somewhat different deposit from all the other life forms, there is a malfunction—a failure—of memory retrieval.
Now, there's something else I quite start to realize - it's easier to be in a semi-awaken mode, than to be fully aware of our surrounding, if you don't believe me try this :

Step up from your chair and for as long as you can : observe, watch, look around and listen very carefully as if you were suddenly realizing you were inside a dream and try to interpret everything you see as symbols - does the pen on your table form a geometric shape, is there alignment of objects, what were you thinking when you put that box on your table and why is it still there ? does the negative space between the objects on your table form a shape ? look for signs, for clues, assuming that somebody has left an hidden message for you on this desk (maybe that's actually you but in the future that is sending that message). Observe also the synchronicity, what is happening right now - are you receiving a mail ? did somebody entered the room...

Remember emotions are a good guide toward this exercise and the mindset to have is to be like Sherlock Holmes looking for clues.

This little trick is inspired by the "paranoiac/critical" method of Salvador Dali and experimentation from "Pop Magic" by Grant Morrison. And these, I believe are the first steps out of the matrix.

Thought World

Teal Scott (author of the "The Sculptor in the Sky") is going even further in saying that we (as human) are actually expression of thought - and therefor the proof that thought can think. And this is confirmed by the first universal law that states that "Everything is mental". We are thoughts in a thought World. Small tears in an infinite ocean.
What Are Dreams and Why Do We Have Dreams?: It is very important to understand thought in and of itself when one is trying to understand dreaming. Whatever consciousness is giving its attention and energy to creates a thought out of that specified focus. We, in our human form which we have grown so accustomed to, are physical expressions of thought. And thought... thinks. Thought is one of the most powerful, energetic vibrations within this universe. Thoughts which are thought repetitively become more and more manifested as their signal becomes stronger. In other words, they become "thought form". When those thoughts which have become thought form, continue to be thought frequently and with enough focus, they then become physical form.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Spiritual journey

Entering the Spiritual Realms

As of now, I'm still unable to have an out of body experience (obe in short), even though that's my main intention - and I make special care every night before falling asleep to affirm the intent.

Since then, I've stumbled upon many article explaining or listing the dangers that are to be expected in entering the "spiritual world"

The last one I read was from Simona Rich - check

And this lead me to more reading and learning... because as for all activities, there seems to be a positive and negative aspect attached to it.

I also continue to read (or listen) to Rudolf Steiner lectures - and the recurring message  is that we live in a materialistic era, and therefor we are ignoring the spiritual, which in turn lead to manifestation of spiritual conflict in the physical world (i.e : War, economic collapse, crisis, etc ...)

Finding the balance 

On one side ... too spiritual
One the other side ... too materialistic.

To fight off the materialistic aspect I keep a few simple rules
- no meat
- no TV
- no gossip talking
- reading a lot of spiritual books (essentially Rudolf Steiner)
- listening to enlightened people (mostly from youtube channel like Ma Nithya Sudevi, Teal Scott, etc ...)
- doing shadow work
- practicing meditation
- keeping a journal (and this blog)

The benefits so far (this is what I gained) :
- Being patient

- The importance of observing
- More learning
- Staying flexible
- Helping people around
- Being nice
- Gaining in discipline

So my humble conclusion is that If nothing has happened yet, that's because I'm not ready yet

Monday, January 21, 2013

Shadow work

Watching and re-watching Teal Scott videos is tremendously beneficial ; her series is very rich and informative but also very dense - so when I stumbled a couple of times on the term "doing your shadow work" ; it took me a while to really accept that exercise as something really vital for spiritual progression.

Then during this particular lecture on "The fastest way to find happiness" Teal is mentioning Byron Katie. And then postulate that there's nothing more dangerous than an unquestioned thought.

Now, like said in a previous post, I'm trying to have an  out of body experience, and so far I'm not successful at it. The best I could do what lucid dreaming for a very short time.

Doing shadow work means confronting our resistances, our fears, our painful thoughts ...

And that's usually the last thing we want to do, because first hand it looks like it's going to be challenging. But after doing a few sessions of shadow work (either with Teal's method or Katie's method) it actually feels liberating (and also had an impact during dreams).

Since our mind is creating our reality, and our mind is influenced by thoughts ; it is quite important to be able to question what we are accepting in our mind. If you know the saying "garbage in - garbage out", you know how this could turn out.

Teal Scott's method -  is detailed in her video.
Katie Byron's method - called "the work" is going through a series of four questions called "the inquiry" (more details on her website).

After doing shadow work, what previously felt like a sour painful memory is now becoming a friendly thought, that helped understanding and accepting oneself.