Sunday, June 2, 2013


What do we know so far

I'll list everything I've read and heard even the most absurd
- It's just a ride, we are actually living in a virtual reality, a school, an academy
- we are not just our body, but are a physical manifested ego of an higher self (that some are actually calling "God")
- Being immersed in an hologram, a fractal universe everything is made of the same thing over and over, this Universe is energy, in various shape and form and multidimensional.
- Every thought transforms reality ; every interaction is potentially creating something new, and every desires is definitely pushing us forward.
- The nature of time has never really been understood so far
- There are other reality, within this Universe ; other "dimensions"
- Some dimensions are also physical but some are non physical - like the dream-world
- The "Dream dimension" is an interesting place where we are at the being level "conscious" and go through experiences like we would watch a movie ; but with some experience we can awake during the dreams and then enter another state called "Lucid dreaming".
In this non physical place everything is possible, there's no time delay between a desire and his manifestations.

- After 2012 we have left the Iron Age (the old energy) and we are now in the Aquarius Age (the new energy)
- There's a shift going on and it will lead us into this new Age.
- Within this new energy, the feminine and the masculine are going to adjust (finally!).

How to help the transition?

Open your mind, keep a journal.
Changing your diet (to get rid of meat, sugar and artificial flavor also fluoride).
Meditating daily, entering that silent place where the mind can rest.
Being patient, honest, rigorous, and focused....

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