Friday, January 5, 2024

Forecast 2024 - Teal Swan

The above video is grim, 2024 is a pivotal year, and we will witness 'destruction lust' 

I mean sure, in today's world, a growing sense of despair and helplessness has fueled a desire for destruction and a destructive lust within many individuals. This overwhelming feeling stems from the looming threat of global warming and the perceived indifference of governments towards addressing this pressing issue. 

As the consequences of climate change become more evident and devastating, it is natural for people to experience frustration and anger. The lack of meaningful action to combat global warming has left many feeling powerless, pushing them towards destructive tendencies as a way to vent their frustration or gain a sense of control. 

However, it is crucial to channel these emotions into constructive avenues, such as advocating for change, raising awareness, and actively participating in initiatives that can make a positive impact on the environment. Only through collective efforts can we hope to combat global warming and pave the way for a sustainable future.