Monday, October 4, 2010

31 Days to Start Freelancing - day 5

Continuing the exercise 31 Days to Start Freelancing
Day 1. Make an Inventory of Your Freelancing Skills
Day 2. Examine Your Freelancing Resources
Day 3. Set Your Freelancing Goals
Day 4. Get Inside Your Client’s Head 
Day 5. What’s Your Story?

  • What were you doing before you started freelancing?

  • I was working in a call center as tech support

  • Why did you think of freelancing? What motivated you?

  • The benefit of being my own boss, and to be creative

  • How did you get started freelancing?

  • Create a blog, then spread the information around my friends

  • How did you get good at what you’re doing now?

  • Training provided by my previous employers, then self study, and trial and error mostly documented (because I write a journal)

  • What are your goals? What drives you to work so hard?

  • My goal would be to be financially independent, and to gain recognition

  • What does success look like to you?

  • Being autonomous, creative, independent, famous and helpful to the community

    Sunday, October 3, 2010

    31 Days to Start Freelancing - day 4

    Continuing the exercise 31 Days to Start Freelancing
    Day 1. Make an Inventory of Your Freelancing Skills
    Day 2. Examine Your Freelancing Resources
    Day 3. Set Your Freelancing Goals
    Day 4. Get Inside Your Client’s Head

    Who wants your services
    - People that would like translation from French to English and vice versa
    - People that need basic internet Training
    - People needing to setup a basic Internet website
    - People starting on the net, and would like some advices

    Who Is Your Target Client?
    - Could be student
    - Elder person, who wants to setup a blog, or write their memories
    - Mother at home, who wants to make their first steps on the internet
    - Traditional writer, who wants to put his book online (eBook)

    What Does Your Client Want?
    - Get Training, assistance, and confidence for his internet experience
    - Training session to answer specific questions, not general topic lecture
    - Hands-on Training, with real answers to their specific questions
    - Be informed on the opportunities and danger of being part of the worlwide web

    NB : So far, the exercise is really good, I have to confess I was a bit skeptic first, but now... I'm convinced on the benefits of this 31 days to Start Freelancing, ... tomorrow I'll talk to you about my story (Day 5)