Thursday, October 27, 2022

Why talking with bullies won't work

Bullies will make promises, but they will never deliver everything they agreed to, 

because they have to get a "win" above and beyond whatever they actually negotiated. 

They do not want fair deals, and deals that look fair are probably traps.

Assuming you delivered your side of the deal first? 

Big mistake, now the bully will drag their feet and ask for more consideration and use what they owe you as leverage. 

A famous example of that is Donald Trump 

He always had some sort of "reserve" leverage he'd use to put the screws to people and alter deals later, or suddenly have some complaint and he'd withhold his payment.

Everything with these toxic people is excruciating and exhausting because they have to mess with you at every step.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Explaining the war in Ukraine as if it was a bar fight

Everybody in the bar was chilling after a confinement period, lots of talks about global warming and general inflation.

Then out of nowhere Russia nudged one of his Slavic brother and told him he will bang the nice Ukraine as she is one of his ex girlfriend.

Meanwhile Ukraine is calmly talking with her European friends, planning to be invited to a party.

Russia with a smile says ‘Watch this, it will be quick, she will be mine tonight!’ ; then approach Ukraine with a determined look on his face. 

Ukraine sees Russia approach and defends herself, the European friends she was talking to are appaled by Russia aggression and walk back a little ; then Ukraine got punched severely, but defends herself over and over bravely ; Russia starts to lose his cool, and ask for reinforcement, feels like he is not able to control the fight.

While Ukraine is recovering against the pub's wall Great Britain, Germany, France are providing some Brass knuckles, some pepper spray, stun guns and baton, tasers ; Russia starts to lose face, and get a bloody nose.

Europe shouts to Russia that they are not going to buy anything from him, won't accept his currency, and won’t talk to him either. Following that statement, a few rich gang leaders are suddenly committing suicide, and Russia is picking in there pockets filled with gold.

Russia then starts to really fight dirty, but Ukraine still stands her ground, and the fight is getting nowhere, and then Russia has to ask for reinforcement, arguing that it was Ukraine that started the fight, that she was an extremist, and all sorts of blatant lies, while stealing all the drinks on the table, and putting all he can in his bag. 

The whole bar now is getting embarrassed as there’s blood everywhere, and everybody knows that the pub has a thermostat issue and the air-conditioning is in need for urgent repair.

Russia looks at himself, and realize he is just a loser, with old clothes, he is weak, and a coward getting old. A bully with no class, and self control.

Russia is getting desperate and is threatening everyone ; saying that he has a concealed gun in his coat and he will use, if he had to ; a little while ago he farted loudly and said that it was Ukraine that did it.

Hearing about a possible concealed weapon, the USA watching the scene and is then calmly saying that if a gun is brought to that fight, he will intervene.

China is looking at the scene, and is not moving ; while Iran is sending some gadgets to Russia.

to be continued

Friday, October 21, 2022

Paul Amadeus Dienach story

Could be an hoax (the photo is kind of an evidence of that)
Could be some kind of time accident (!?) 

I find it quite intriguing and sort of confirming my famous quote "It's just a ride!"

Otherwise, what we can take from this story is that Mars colonization is not going to be a viable move (Hello Elon Musk!)

And then the human evolution will lead to a one world government
and then the actual biological evolution will reach the spiritual awakening that will lead to real harmony.

But actually currently with the situation we are in ... we would be very lucky if we pass 2026~2030.

A longer video on this extraordinary story

Another even longer video

Friday, October 7, 2022

This is why you should question everything

New Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence is making the World a better place, but here in this particular usage ; this means the public has to be trained to question everything 

The media, the interview, the pictures all that can be monitored, can be altered, can be used for propaganda.

There is a particular sense that will need to be developed in the future of mankind and that is 'intuition'.

Currently all these 'deep fake' video are imperfect, something is not right, the light is a little different, the angles are weird, some details are either too many or too few. But the next version will probably make these almost believable. 

The one thing that cannot be fooled, is the careful questioning of the content, is there an agenda?
Does the content feels right? What is the context? Would anybody benefits of this message?

And then the careful attention to the details, the skin tone, the haircut, the lighting, the texture, is there a glitch, does the person talking intermittently looks like a video-game character?

From 2017 to 2021 the World has been under the constant shower of 'fake news' ; there were so many lies, so many deceptions that it was like a speed training. The tools are there, the technologies are accessible, our duty as citizen is to be informed, to be careful, to be slow to react, and to have a solid knowledge of history, and philosophy.

Is this True?
Are we absolutely sure that this is true?

Of course not, let's study this with a scientific approach
"Science is more than a body of knowledge. It's a way of thinking, a way of skeptically interrogating the universe with a fine understanding of human fallibility"

Do not be fooled by your own expectation, most of the time we get tricked because we want to believe something in the first place, and we try to find confirmation instead of using a skeptical approach.

Let's be smart.