Thursday, December 15, 2022

2023 Goals

  1.  delaying of gratification 
  2. acceptance of responsibility
  3. dedication to truth
  4. balancing

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

No love for Russia

That could be the new James Bond movie?

but this is the current mood, the World is appalled by this unstopped madness.

The World focus should really have been about fighting the global warming, about putting as much effort into reducing the carbon footprint of first World countries ; and then a megalomaniac despot decided to invade Ukraine, and the conflict is getting closer and closer to reach its first anniversary (the conflict started on February 2022).

The repercussion are going to be tragic for Russia, and since they will most definitely fight desperately because the megalomaniac despot cannot be wrong, cannot be defeated, cannot lose otherwise all other countries are going to condemn it so harshly, the coming International trial for War crimes on civilians, the compensation for destroying most of a sovereign country. Russia is already pretty badly impacted by restrictions, its economy is weaken, its workforce is sent to the slaughter unwillingly...

No Love for Russia

The future is grim for Russia, and we are going to see and endless movies (or series) where the villains are Russian.