Monday, February 4, 2013

Start playing D&D

Back in the days

When I have been introduced to role playing games, back in the 90s - it was like I've discovered a portal to an infinities of new worlds.

I remembered listening to one guy in my class explaining with a lot of gestures the adventure he had on the week end.

Then it has became an priority for me to be initiated into that role playing experience.

First contact

But it wasn't easy, I remembered - back then the dungeon master guide (DMG), monster manual (MM) and player hand book (PHB) were a bit expensive for students, also we gathered the money and started playing with a group of people. It was really fun. But then at first, it was tough because unless you had an experienced player (usually the DM) giving instructions, we didn't know what to do ?! the engine of this game is imagination and initiative, the rest is just structure given by the rules, but when I had to prepare my first game as a DM - I felt a bit lost and kept reading and reading DMG parts that I never had to use (adventure in city, how the guild works, etc ...) 

Now I guess it doesn't make much sense, with the plethora of video games ; once you've understood the character creation part and the set of keys to use  - you are set for the game.

Video games killed the RPG Star

Role playing game isn't a big market now, because of the preparation time it requires, it takes a lot of work (compared to the basic video game) before you can assemble a team of players and start an adventure.

Another thing is to find a group of player that will be able to come regularly to session - otherwise it's not very enjoyable in the long run.

But since once again the motor of the role playing game is imagination and initiative ; for the connoisseurs the gratification of a good session is thousands times better than grinding on a video game. My advice is start playing D&D you'll develop a lot of very useful skills like imagination, initiative, empathy, acting, inventiveness, interactivity, organization, story-telling, entertainment, leading, and it's a good way to make friends.


If anybody is interested in discovering role playing I'd recommend this page ; it gives good advices.

Some friends and I want to start playing D&D. What to buy, what to do now?
 "Some friends and I want to start playing D&D. What to buy, what to do now?"

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