Monday, January 28, 2013

Dreaming in a Dream-World

Two Parts

We could separate life in 2 parts - the day life and dream life, but this phenomenon is artificial - because somehow life is a spent in a dream-state ; we are creating our reality.

During a dream (a couple of times) I had the opportunity to "sort of" wake up and then I could change the dream course - and this lead me to realize something quite mind blowing ... the change in a dream is instantaneous while the change we wish for in what we call reality takes more time - it's like we are living in a denser dream.

Another difference is that the dream we have is our - it's actually an immersion in our own universe of symbols, emotions, experiences, memories ... while the so-called "real life" is a dream made by a higher conscious, but we're participating in it.

Waking up

Philip K. Dick had many insight into that while he wrote in the appendix of his book "Valis" :
We appear to be memory coils (DNA carriers capable of experience) in a computer-like thinking system that, although we have correctly recorded and stored thousands of years of experimental information (knowledge, gnosis), and each of us possesses a somewhat different deposit from all the other life forms, there is a malfunction—a failure—of memory retrieval.
Now, there's something else I quite start to realize - it's easier to be in a semi-awaken mode, than to be fully aware of our surrounding, if you don't believe me try this :

Step up from your chair and for as long as you can : observe, watch, look around and listen very carefully as if you were suddenly realizing you were inside a dream and try to interpret everything you see as symbols - does the pen on your table form a geometric shape, is there alignment of objects, what were you thinking when you put that box on your table and why is it still there ? does the negative space between the objects on your table form a shape ? look for signs, for clues, assuming that somebody has left an hidden message for you on this desk (maybe that's actually you but in the future that is sending that message). Observe also the synchronicity, what is happening right now - are you receiving a mail ? did somebody entered the room...

Remember emotions are a good guide toward this exercise and the mindset to have is to be like Sherlock Holmes looking for clues.

This little trick is inspired by the "paranoiac/critical" method of Salvador Dali and experimentation from "Pop Magic" by Grant Morrison. And these, I believe are the first steps out of the matrix.

Thought World

Teal Scott (author of the "The Sculptor in the Sky") is going even further in saying that we (as human) are actually expression of thought - and therefor the proof that thought can think. And this is confirmed by the first universal law that states that "Everything is mental". We are thoughts in a thought World. Small tears in an infinite ocean.
What Are Dreams and Why Do We Have Dreams?: It is very important to understand thought in and of itself when one is trying to understand dreaming. Whatever consciousness is giving its attention and energy to creates a thought out of that specified focus. We, in our human form which we have grown so accustomed to, are physical expressions of thought. And thought... thinks. Thought is one of the most powerful, energetic vibrations within this universe. Thoughts which are thought repetitively become more and more manifested as their signal becomes stronger. In other words, they become "thought form". When those thoughts which have become thought form, continue to be thought frequently and with enough focus, they then become physical form.

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