Monday, January 14, 2013

Role playing Enlightenment

I'm currently trying to return to a good role playing game, I found many system like d20, gurps, fudge, fate, d6, etc ... some manuals are even available for free as pdf.
But after reading a few pages, it usually comes to this :
- a list of class and characters to choose from
- a list of skills that will get better as you level up
- various table (combat, magic spell, etc ...)
- a list of monsters
- a list of spells
And after reading this I feel a bit disappointed - is there a role playing game that is about enlightenment and love ?
Because eventually the only monster we have to fight is in ourselves.
The only enemy is within, and confronting him is starting the shadow work.

Thinking about the succession of "opening a door / fighting the monster / taking the treasure / Leaving the room" - There is the caricature of this endless variations of the same trick we play on ourselves finding an obstacle, overcoming the problem, getting the reward and looking for another issue...

What I don't like about current role playing game is the "dark violent" part - the self righteousness of the good heroes mass killing the villains, while in fact there is a lot more benefits in finding ways around violence. What if you start capturing the villains ?
What if you start converting them, showing them that their way is destructive ?

And one day Enlightenment.

That's a lot more difficult that slashing the dragon with a two edged sword. Which will inevitably make you level up and the next day will arrive with two dragons to fight, and then 3 and even if the gold coins are pouring, the gems and the magic items ... you'll feel empty and tired of the game after a while.

And some dark night you will be there as Conan on his throne contemplating the skulls of his enemy and wonder about the ultimate goal of this fruitless race for glory ?

Why ?

The answer is within, inside ... where lie this shadow that has never been confronted. Meet your shadow self dear Conan, it has grown though, with every monsters you slayed...the shadow got larger and larger.

"Isis Unveiled": H.P. Blavatsky's First Book: Many men have arisen who had glimpses of the truth, and fancied they had it all. Such have failed to achieve the good they might have done and sought to do, because vanity has made them thrust their personality into such undue prominence as to interpose it between their believers and the whole truth that lay behind. The world needs no sectarian church, whether of Buddha, Jesus, Mahomet, Swedenborg, Calvin, or any other. There being but ONE Truth, man requires but one church -- the Temple of God within us, walled in by matter but penetrable by any one who can find the way; the pure in heart see God.

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