Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Virtual reality or hologram


Since my last written intention to have an OoBE ; something really happened, during my dream I woke up - and now I can interfere, or change the direction of the dream - which is very interesting.
It already happened 3 times, one key is to succeed is to have a look at your hands - I don't know why, but this simple action make the transition.

Lucid dreaming

In he first experience, I was walking in what looked like a forest, and noticed one orange blob on the side, which kind of get me a strange feeling, like there was a visual hallucinations, I then watched my hands and continue my walk, I wanted to meet other people there - and then I met a strange looking dog on the top of a hill, he was a bit aggressive and I asked out loud "What does this represent?" after that question the dog went closer and was very friendly. I guess it was a kind of a test.

There's something radically different when you wake up during a dream - the vision is still the same, things are a bit blurry, or not very well defined, or jumps a bit out of place, or change - but the fact that you are now aware is empowering.


Dreams are just a different reality that we perceive, in dreams we can have many encounters, and many experience, everything happens with what we have experienced so far - it's a cumulative "rule set" that we carry - it's a reflection of what we are as a spiritual being.

Everything is us, in the dream - the surrounding, the buildings, the forest, the sky - if there is a conflict, it has its source in something in our life.

Everything is mental.
Everything is emotional, I've read that the "astral body", is also called the "emotional body" - that makes sense.


There is a little issue to try to intellectualize the process, to try to make sense of dreams - this isn't going to well - and usually end up the whole experience, lucid dreams are fragile like butterflies. My little experience is filled with emotions - but nothing makes sense, it's just vapors.

In contrast our waking hours spent in what we call reality is much more stable, experience can last longer, and are the result of our focus, attracting things, persons or events that we are a match with.

Everything is mental.
Everything is slower and subjective.

In comparison with the dream experience, reality is a shared experience, a place of co-creations, things aren't just like in dreams from our own perspective.

Unless you're putting yourself in an hermit environment, where there's little interactions with others beings. 
REALITY: Hologram of many holograms | Resonates With Me: As an analogy, if your computer screen offers you many choices, and all you have to do is click on one of them to select it, then your imagination is the total of all the available choices on the screen. Moving the mouse to the desired choice is like focusing your imagination on one particular vision. And then clicking on that choice is like using your feelings to activate your selection…

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