In my previous post Rudolf Steiner got me thinking about that concept of "War of all against all" - (which could totally be the current "War on Terror" meme that is in itself a paradox)
It's basically a "war of the ego against other ego" - a war based on the funny idea that my ego is better than yours, my opinion is the only valid one, you're wrong and I'm right.
But since there is quite a huge difference between a man that has been restricted from doing a particular thing, and a man's conscious choice of not doing that thing.
There is confrontation, friction, conflict, war.
Because this has always been the work of Patriarchal system ego to forbid things to the common/lesser man, with the irrational excuse that it's for their own good.
And therefore the layman is kept as a child level.
You can't do this, you can't do that or else ... harsh punishment.
When government or church or any established patriarchal system is forbidding somebody to drink alcohol for example, it only tickle the interest of people to drink, same apply for pre-marital sex, watching porn, smoking pot ...
Prohibition never worked.
Now when a man has had enough of drinking alcohol, using drugs, watching porn, etc ... he comes to his senses and decide on his own accord to stay away from that stuffs ; because he knows that this makes him utterly dependent and sick in his body, head and so on.
The challenge today isn't about accepting our weaknesses, acknowledging them - and pro-actively deciding not to fall for their "charms" (for lack of a better word).
I'm always a bit annoyed when somebody says something like "you shouldn't watch pornography" - because maybe I need to experience it for a while, everything eventually wear off.
Somebody trespassing and giving advices that weren't asked is robbing the other individual of his independence, his inner freedom, his growth.
The Egocentric/Selfish stage: On a global scale we have the current situation, the world as a place of suffering and injustice due to the actions of those in power. Accelerating destruction of ecosystems, mass extinction, human survivors eking out a miserable existence, peak oil, no second industrial revolution, out with a whimper, not a bang. In the larger physical universe: entropy, meaninglessness, the universe tending inexorably to heat death; the world and the cosmos that has to be transformed.And that transformation is the taming of the Ego, not necessarily the complete surrendering of the Ego, but the pro-active choice of using the independence and inner freedom to work for a better world a common good.
Apocalypse of John: Lecture VIII:This “I” is the cause of man's directing all his wishes to the satisfaction of this “I” as such. Its striving to draw to itself as its own possession a part of the earth which belongs to all, to drive away all the other Egos from its realm, to fight then, to be at war with them, is one side of the “I.” But on the other hand the must not forget that the “I” is at the same time that which gives man his independence and his inner freedom, which in the truest sense of the word elevates him. His dignity is founded in this “I,” it is the basis of the Divine in man.
Prohibition never worked.
Back in the garden of Eden God forbids Adam and Eve to eat from the fruit of the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and of course they have to eat it.
Now after knowing the consequences, and after living a bit in the mess we are all in, with an informed mind ... would you eat that fruit ?
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