When I discovered the "Ascension Guide" I tried to gather as many information as possible afterward, I found out that the author (Master Tony) is an Arcturian star-seed.
So far as much as possible I read and practice what was inside the guide and started meditating, changed my diet, got rid of TV, and most entertainment (I still struggle to diminish my reddit addiction).
And even though, some predictions that drastic "World changes" would be perceived by September (regarding the Ascension process) didn't seem to happened (at least not in the medias) -- this guide had a very good impact overall. Thanks for that Master Tony wherever you are.
Now this guide also introduces me to a whole lot of new paradigms - and just like Philip K. Dick I made the same conclusion he had after reading Plato.
In college I was given Plato to read and thereupon became aware of the possible existence of a metaphysical realm beyond or above the sensory world. I came to understand that the human mind could conceive of a realm of which the empirical world was epiphenomenal. Finally I came to believe that in a certain sense the empirical world was not truly real, at least not as real as the archetypal realm beyond it. At this point I despaired of the veracity of sense-data.
-- Philip K. DickWhich lead me into discovering Rudolf Steiner, who has even more mind blowing new paradigms in his books (and many are available online for free). Especially his book "Knowledge of the higher worlds and its attainment" - which introduces a lot of new data about Etheric/Astral body and super sensible Worlds.
And later I stumbled upon the Pleiadian author Barbara Marciniak - and for many reasons felt like a strong connection with the family of Light. I might be confused, but the emotional element was there when I read and heard the message. This whole sensation that I've been planted on Earth for a mission, with my memories erased, and I'm waiting for a "signal" while longing for a distant World I used to be in, seems real to me.
Pleiadian star-seed Gigi Young is writing about recent palpable changes regarding Channeling :
The veils thin and the energetic soup around us continues to magnify and as this happens we draw closer to our highest expression. All that is not congruent with that expression will be experienced as pain. As we release this pain we become lighter and more coherent. Through this process we gain stronger intuition and a clear channel to our higher self.If I'm not mistaken this "higher self" mentioned by Gigi is what Rudolf Steiner in his lecture called "angeloi" and is actually our next step in evolution (after Saturn, Sun, moon and Earth).
For the record : I can't see auras, I can't channel, but there are many synchronicity I experienced (having a question, and receiving the very answer later in the day) I also had many feeling of bliss during meditations (feeling of being lighter (or lifted in the air)).
My work so far is pretty much organizing information, sorting, checking sources, searching for similarities, and keeping an open mind.
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