Steiner was also talking about how the moon had to be separated from the Earth before the Atlantian period - it's in the same Lecture, both links are given below.
I'm really impressed by Rudolf Steiner insights.
In master Tony "Ascension Guide" (which I refer a lot lately in this blog) - It's written that people with High-frequencies will ascend (in 4th Dimension), and that matter somehow will dissolve. And those who wishes to stay on Earth (called 3D) will have to leave (die) and will re-appear on a similar 3D planet to continue exploring the World of duality, to express the self.
My current feeling after this last finding, is that this 2012 Ascension will not happen abruptly, but the period for this Ascension process will definitely start now (it might have already started). This looks like it's going to be a slow process.
The "war of all against all" seems to be on the agenda too, unfortunately.
After all, we're talking about 26,000 years in each transition - that's a lot of time.
That old theory that the Moon was formed out of fragments of Earth blasted into space after a massive planetary collision 4.5 billion years ago has gained support from two new studies.source : http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/10/18/moon_made_from_earth_collision/
Apocalypse of John: Lecture VIII: The earth, together with all its beings, will then change into an astral heavenly body. Physical substance as such will disappear. The part which until then had been able to spiritualize itself, will pass over into the spirit, into astral sub-stance. Imagine all the beings of the earth who up to that time have been able to express what is good, noble, intellectual and beautiful in their external material form; who will bear an expression of Christ Jesus in their countenances, whose words will manifest Christ Jesus, for they will ring out as resounding thoughts — all these will have the power to dissolve what they have within them as physical matter, as warm water dissolves salt. Everything physical will pass over into an astral globe. But those who up to that time have not progressed so far as to be a material and corporeal expression of what is noble, beautiful, intellectual and good, will not have the power to dissolve matter; for them matter will remain. They will become hardened in matter; they will retain material form. At this point in the earth's evolution there will be an ascent into the spirit of forms which will live in the astral and which will separate from themselves another material globe, a globe which will contain beings unfit for the ascent because they are unable to dissolve the material part.
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