Now there was a lot of interesting session where the events actually just happened purely on the player's interaction - and that was for the DM a way to relax, and just act as an arbiter ; it was like watching a theatre play, and let the event unfold.
There was this time when the group went back from a castle, many were wounded, and tired, all the spell casters had nearly exhausted all their scrolls, spells and potions and then the rogue/thief suddenly decided it would be the perfect time to steal a bit of stuffs, just because the big guns had all the treasure and the rogue couldn't put his hands on any magic item, gems, potion etc ...
That was pretty intense when the Paladin leader was back stabbed by that rogue (who by the way had a very good luck playing dice) - he successfully hid in the shadow and perform a quadruple damage with his poisonous dagger. That was the beginning of a terrible incident that got the entire group into a crisis and after another series of internal fight (because as I said earlier many characters were already weaken) everybody but the rogue were dead.
It wasn't in the DM's plan, it wasn't planned at all - but it happened.
The DM isn't the almighty ruler ; the players have their role to play (hence the game name) - and this made me think about life in general.
About good and evil especially ; since that rogue/thief was playing along fine during the "official" planned part - but then took a final opportunity to kill and steal an entire group of friends, out of greed.
The entire group had went through tremendous obstacles, traps and monsters but the worst enemy who would eventually got them was inside the group.
It's a bit like looking back at human history and realizing that thousand of years earlier we were fighting wild animals, went through terrible diseases, cold, famine, and when finally when human started to get comfortable with electricity, water, cars, factories, and relatively not many threats - then appears this final worst enemy - himself.
Between good and evil, there is the neutral Path - the Path of nature, of the trees.
Reading Rudolf Steiner I got this understanding that during Earth evolution - during the Lemurian period (I think, but I might be wrong) Earth was bearing fruits - that were linked to her during all their life cycle, totally in harmony with her -- and that fruit was the first human : Adam.
Since we have lost this connection with the Earth, she hardened (or that is just her normal evolution) - and we are know battling each other. We did discover the knowledge of Good and Evil, in my last post I asked if we would know this would generate the mess we're in now - would anybody eat that from that forbidden tree ? but today I realized we had to, in order to evolve.
Women Worshipping Trees–Priestesses of the Tree Goddess | THE 2012 VORTEX:
There are many reasons for a woman to be in sacred relationship to the trees. Trees know how to transmute energy. Trees are the life-giving lungs of the planet. Trees are the highest form of plant life and some of the oldest living beings on earth. Trees are the elders of the ecosystems. Wouldn’t it be natural for the priestesses to see the trees as embodying the sacred wisdom of the Goddess?
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