Monday, November 5, 2012

Self Worth

This is above is a video of Teal Scott ; she is known as "Spiritual Catalyst"

Her youtube videos are full of insights and very soothing information.

She is clairvoyant from the beginning ; which is rare - after watching many of her videos, I see a lot of parallel between her knowledge and Rudolf Steiner's teaching (who also was clairvoyant from birth).

Teal explains that before birth we have stated our intentions for this life (even our appearance, our parents etc ...) then we enter Earth and forget everything. Lucky for her, Teal remembered everything (much like Matias de Stefano).

She had a very difficult period in her life during childhood that left scars (which she covers by tattoos), and talks about it retrospectively as something that allow her now (during her workshop) to be able to understand and help people that went through really tough situation.

Teal sees life as a perpetual evolution (even achieving enlightenment isn't an end state) she talks about Astral Travel, multiple dimensions, rising of energies, accessing high frequencies, out of the body experiences, focusing on the positive, she is often talking about source (which could be understood as God or Tao).

During one of her discussion with Dwaine Hartman Teal compares a journey on 3D earth as a roller coaster ride -or entering school (quite similar to Matt Kahn description of Earth as an Angel Academy).

She says that effort (or forcing our-self to do something) isn't a good sign, we should focus instead on doing everything with Joy.

And it is true that in our modern life, if we're good at something we usually (and are encourage to do so) overdo it and become sick of it.

I will take an example (the only way to teach) - if a boy is gifted for music, he will have to play an instrument over and over, then will be encouraged to make concert and become a professional musician and he will get lucky if he's not sick of it.

Themes that are recurring in her teachings :

  • The body is an extension of Spirit.
  • We are a projection of our higher self.
  • The importance of appreciation
  • The importance of focusing on positive things
  • Being guided by our feelings 
  • Being in alignment
  • Freedom
  • We are blocking, unblocking (resisting) source

Much like the I-Ching is composed of yang/light or yin/dark line - we are letting the source/light through or blocking/resisting it in our life.

Teal Scott also wrote a book : "The Sculptor in the Sky"

I like her teaching very much. Every video ends with me very peaceful and smiling.

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