"We think therefor we are"
Everything that has happened to me so far was the result of my thoughts and to be fully in accord with this I have to take responsibility for all of it. That means if I'm sick, I wanted to be sick - If I'm depressed that's what I want.
It helps for me to keep a journal - (this blog is just the skimming part of it, "la creme de la creme").
My last intent was to have an OBE - during last nights I felt my left hand gone asleep - and it was disagreeable, maybe the sleep paralysis starts by the extremities ?! which would explain the little finger trick ?!
During last night dream I expressed a thought and like Albert Taylor said - it had an immediate impact, the dream changed, but it cut short because since the situation changed the way I wanted, I didn't know what would follow, so I woke up.
It's like if you want to direct the dream you have to be prepared to run a new story - meaning that the story has to be prepared in advance - or that even more than being imaginative, you have to be good at improvisation too.
In my last dreams I was immersed or walking in the mud - and this is symbolically because in the dream we're very light, things can change in the blink of an eye - as in what we call "reality" things are sluggish, the events are unfolding slowly. Which is good since we are here to discipline our thoughts!
While Teal Scott is repeating in her lecture the fact that we are indeed creating our own reality with the thoughts, or the focus we put on our environment, because our thoughts influence our vibrations and therefor attracts things with a matching vibrations.
Albert Taylor is talking about how during an OBE (out of body experience) thinking about something make this thing appear straight away - implying that we have to prepare by controlling our thoughts.
I developed a small trick during the day, when some thought I don't want starts to unfold in my mind - I immediately "Mark it as spam" and it disappears. So far it works.
I continue to ask myself "Am I dreaming ?"
6. Healing and More Healing | Bridge to Earth: I found that, for me, healing came about through a deep self-examination and taking total and complete responsibility for myself and for everything that happened in my life.
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