Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Who is in control?

Are You an Addict? How to know if you are addicted to any particular "thing" is by answering the following nine questions about it... honestly:
  1. Can you stop doing "the thing" you suspect/others have told you that you are addicted to for a day, a week, a month, a year, or forever?
  2. Does the thought of your stopping doing "the thing" for a short time cause you any physical discomfort, mental anguish, or emotional anxiety?
  3. Would your stopping doing "the thing" cause you to be "less yourself"?
  4. Have you tried and failed to stop doing "the thing" in the past?
  5. Do you know that doing "the thing" does not serve you and/or is causing problems in your life (at home, at work, in the community)?
  6. Have you lost friends or alienated family members or irritated coworkers because you keep on doing "the thing" no matter what?
  7. Have you or are you putting your life at risk by doing "the thing"?
  8. Deep down inside, do you really want to keep on doing "the thing"?
  9. Does "the thing" control you or do you control "the thing"?
And the Answer is: When you cannot stop doing "the thing". When the thought of what would happen by not doing "the thing" scares you. When "the thing" becomes who you are. When you keep failing at breaking free from "the thing". When "the thing" starts ruining your life. When "the thing" is more important to you than family or friends. When you consistently put your life at risk to do "the thing". When deep down you hate "the thing" but cannot let it go.
...Then, my friend, "the thing" is in control of you and you are an addict.
(from link) 
And I thought about Ted Williams known as the Golden Voice, his story is beautiful ; proving once more that people can get a second chance, and no matter what life is throwing at them - they can always re-bounce, keep faith and hope for a better life, because ... miracle still happens.
The problem is if you read the 9 points below and put "Alcohol" instead of the "thing" - then you think rehab will be "THE" solution.
Now try to replace it with "being a celebrity" and you've got another challenge, and replace it with "dealing with a lot of money and attention" you've got another problem.

Addictions are like matryoshka doll (Russian Doll), they stack up.

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