Sunday, October 15, 2023

Before Barbie was Barb Wire

Pamela Anderson is an iconic actress and model, best known for her roles in Baywatch and Barb Wire. In an interview, she opened up about her role in Barb Wire, and what it meant to her.

"Barb Wire was a really special character to me," Anderson said. "She was a strong, independent woman who wasn't afraid to stand up for herself. She was also a lot of fun to play." Anderson went on to talk about the challenges of playing Barb Wire. "It was a physically demanding role," she said. "I had to do a lot of my own stunts, and I was often in pain. But it was all worth it in the end."

Anderson also talked about the impact that Barb Wire had on her career. "Barb Wire was a real turning point for me," she said. "It showed that I could be more than just a pretty face. I could be a serious actress."

Anderson concluded the interview by saying that she is proud of her role in Barb Wire. "I think Barb Wire is a great role model for women," she said. "She shows that women can be strong, independent, and sexy all at the same time."

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