Monday, September 4, 2023

Understanding 4th Dimension

The idea that the universe is expanding into itself is a paradox that challenges our understanding of space and time.

It is also a reminder of how little we know about the universe. We have learned a lot about the universe in the past few centuries, but there is still so much that we do not know. The expansion of the universe is just one of many mysteries that we are still trying to solve.

Etymologically, understand means "to stand among". This can be interpreted in a few ways. One interpretation is that understanding is about being able to see things from multiple perspectives. When we understand something, we are able to see it from the inside out, as well as from the outside in. We are able to see the relationships between different things, and how they all fit together.

Maybe that is the reason we cannot understand it, that would mean it would be inside of us

  • The universe may be infinite in size. This means that there is no edge or boundary to the universe.
  • The universe may be finite in size, but it is expanding so rapidly that it is impossible to see the edge.
  • The universe may be a hologram, which means that it is projected onto a two-dimensional surface.
  • The universe may be located in a higher-dimensional space.
Black holes are regions of space where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. 
They are formed when a star collapses at the end of its life. The star's core collapses under its own gravity, forming a singularity, which is a point of infinite density and curvature.

The idea that the 4th dimension is the inside becoming the outside is a speculative one that has been explored by philosophers and physicists for centuries. There is no scientific evidence to support this idea, but it is a fascinating one that raises many questions about the nature of reality.

The little cube inside is acting as a pivot, and become the container of the larger cube, which then is set inside...

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