Monday, March 8, 2021

E c o s y s t e m

This planet is a pretty robust ecosystem

Currently nature is getting slowly better because humanity is under covid lockdown 
this in itself is a harsh criticism of what humans do - the modern man at least

To be fair, the ancient men were more in line with nature - except the violent conflicts, the various Empires (Greek, Roman, French, British, ...) ; the general cruelty, and the religion fanaticism - at least in Europe - men back then had little impact on the planet itself.

In the America back in the day, tribal life was just a really good and natural way to live, the carbon footprint was nonexistent,  nowadays the remaining tribes are the exception - see the Kogi Columbian tribe in the Sierra Nevada - their style of life is peaceful, and very much a 

The industrial era brought the madness of men to its climax, the World War 1 and 2 followed by the cold war - brought us where we are now - humanity has become arrogant, and indifferent to the other species - while we still are in an ecosystem, We are part of this planet, we are not different (even if we think we are).

We are part of this ecosystem, we are still thinking that progress can be constant, and the important thing is to earn a salary to enjoy the modern distraction, while eating industrial food, and living in smaller and smaller properties, paying bills, and buying new mobile phone - driving electric or hybrid vehicle - and sending kids to school and universities to perpetuate the idea that this can go on and on forever...

Covid has brought a slowdown on this madness, and covid has brought more madness too

As a conclusion:

You want something scary to watch
there you go

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