Saturday, September 1, 2012

More answers, more questions

I've been reading the 2012 Ascension Guide and discovered the existence of dimensions (up to the 12th) - which concurs with occult revelations (see below Theosophy link) and last week I stumbled upon this podcast which gives a very vivid description by Aubrey Marcus of the 8th dimension (play above video)

Theosophy : Man Visible and Invisible by C.W. Leadbeater:
THE first point which must be clearly comprehended is the wonderful complexity of the world around us - the fact that it includes enormously more than comes within the range of ordinary vision.

Here's an excerpt of Aubrey's blog below :
I bring back a secret that very few know, and even fewer have experienced.
The secret is that the physical world encompasses only 4 layers of a 9 sheathed onion, and we are like a needle that runs through all of the layers.
The problem is that we are only self aware of a portion of ourselves, and so most of our existence is outside of our consciousness.
The layers of the onion, for lack of a better word can be called dimensions.
There are the first three that encompass the material world, and then there is the 4th dimension, linear time.
5th dimension is linked to the collective consciousness of humankind—It is the dimension of the archetypes and the experiences of all who have come before and will come after. It is the first dimension that is outside of the confines of time. This could be the "Dream" land.
6th dimension is described as the world of spirits, and the home of Pachamama, the Earth Mother. This is where you meet the dead.
7th dimension is described as an energetic dimension, where you encounter extremely large, non-personal entities - The entities (which I perceived as ships) were explained to me as benevolent entities whose purpose was to prepare me for travel to the 8th dimension.
8th dimension where any beings encountered are by default entirely benevolent as nothing impure could exist on so high a plane. They say it is the realm of the angels, for lack of a better word. I didn’t encounter any beings, but what I did experience was pure potentiality—the ability to affect change in all dimensions below the 8th. I was able to play a small part in healing a sick friend, see him as he lay in his bed, scan my own body for illness, removing impurities on the spot, and visualize my entire life as a flow of energy, from every aspect of business to personal destiny.
9th dimension, which is oneness with all creation.
2012 is not about an end, but a beginning.
It is about the arrival of the new type of human, and the need to embark on a new way as a world.
It starts with each of us opening our eyes; All three of them, to see how we can help usher in the new age.
An age where we shed the superstitions and illusions of our petty monotheistic history, and look forward… to the future of Creation.

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