A very gentle message from an Indigo child Mattias de Stefano - by contrast with other messages involving a lot of doom and gloom. Mattias put the 2012 event very simply as an inevitable change, there's no need for drama ; this will happen whether you cry or you laugh.
“According to the Mayan calendar, time divides itself in cycles which have a beginning and an end. Also, many other cultures have calculated the cycles within which humanity moves. All of them have calculated the exact dates when an Age would change. The Age we are in now, according to the calendars, finishes on the 21st of December, 2012. 2012– a year that people are speaking about so much. December 21, 2012, especially, is an equinox. It’s the sun entering its spring. Earth enters into spring on September 21st, in the southern hemisphere. On December 21, 2012, it’s the sun that goes into its spring, so it starts to blossom. What I advise everyone for 2012 is to stay totally calm. Because there is no need to fear what may happen; there is no need to be catastrophic or sensationalist. It’s just an equinox. The changes can be felt days before and days after. Spring begins days before spring; flowers start to blossom weeks before the spring equinox. Also there are still cold days after the spring equinox. So we must not think that 2012 is an absolute day to night change. It’s just an equinox, where many things can happen– things that so many prophets and people have been talking about, but it depends on each of us to live that reality. He who wants and pretends to live the apocalypse, which so many people are talking about, will see it. He will live it and feel it. He who is balanced in his conscience, heart, and especially in his stomach, which is the I AM– he won’t live that apocalypse, not because the extraterrestrials will take him from the planet, but because he won’t see the apocalypse as something destructive but as a possibility of change. It’s just a change. Even the word ‘apocalypse’ means this; it’s something that comes after… It’s a change. So don’t feel scared, don’t be afraid, don’t believe in the natural disasters the people say are going to happen. Because you are already living them; it has already begun. And nobody says it’s the end. The process is already happening. It’s just a change. "Extract from http://bridgetoearth.com/2011/06/06/matias-de-stefano-part-2-transcript
As simple as "OM" the sound of Love
Alan Watts: OM The sound of LOVE - YouTube
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