Thursday, December 27, 2012
Creating worlds, Universes ... that's what a game master has to do, before he can start inviting players for campaigning. Of course some Universes are offered as ready to use, like Tolkien Universe, Star Wars Universe, Forgotten realms, World of Warcraft, Michael Morcook Elric, Fritz Leiber Fafhrd and the Grey mouser etc ... but the hard core game masters are the one who are creating their own Universes, Gary Gigax created Greyhawk and many legends and lore.
Today we are fed by the media into thinking that our world is about to end. To the extent of making 2012 the year of the Apocalypse ; which it is of course. The Year of the great revelation, the year when we start to open our eyes.
The miracle is to believe that we can create our own world, our own Universe, just like the game masters.
There is the world we see, and the unseen worlds.
There is the actions we see and the unseen actions.
We are all in a "dream" - but funnily enough when we think of dreaming we automatically think of an etheric realms because that's our daily experience of what dreaming is ... while actually it's the other way around, the dream is the sluggish materialistic part of our life that began at birth and end at death - that's the dream, the unreal part is the part we think is real and vice verse. We are dreamed, when we die we wake up as the dreamer.
The moment you realize you can change things in your dream, is a pivotal moment. It happened to me a while ago, and the consequences are unfolding slowly but surely.
Thoughts are creating realities, even here in the material world, it just takes longer (2 or 3 months for something as basic as wanting a material object) - but it's instantaneous in dreams.
Now since there's no limit - where do we begin ?
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Middle Way
what is the origin of evil, why does evil exists in the first place isn't the type of question your paladin, rangers and cleric would ask themselves... they'll just plunge their sword, throw their battle axe or smash their hammer on the head of the offender than to ask philosophical questions.
And that's pretty much why all role playing games are about fighting and sharing treasure afterwards.
But when neutral people such as druids or monks comes along and add a balance in that constant fight between good and evil - then it gets a lot more interesting.
Why would a neutral character enter a fight ? for him good characters are just hot tempered for something that won't last - and evil characters are just obviously misguided - neutral characters know that it is of no importance and while the battle are coming, trees will be destroyed, people will die, widows and orphans are going to be made...
A neutral character knows that there is no winner or loser in these silly wars.
But somehow they would make alliance for short period of time, to shorten the damages. Neutral people are wise.
When you are playing a lawful good paladin, you see the neutral druid as a coward hippie with secular traditions - when you are a chaotic evil assassin you see the neutral druid as a potentially dangerous ally of the civilized establishment.
The evil dragon is only caring about his treasure, and would defend it against anybody - evil character included.
The evil necromancer would be only interested in gaining power and probably immortality - and would then attack anybody.
Because although the good characters in roleplay see cooperation as beneficial and wouldn't turn unto a friend, evil characters are very versatile and won't see any shame in treason. That's where game masters have a tough time when players are playing evil characters because the campaign will inevitably end up in a blood bath.
Choosing evil is the fastest way to shorten the life of your character.
While the good guy are struggling they have a better survival chance - technically because of the cooperation that they are willing to be bound with.
But eventually the good and the bad guy are always finding each other - while the neutral are actually the one building things that will endure.
Understanding that beyond good or evil, there is respect for life.
Why do you think the archetype of the druid is an old guy with a white beard ? that's because he has seen many battles, but from a distance.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Why ?
In Role Playing Games, playing a magician is a terrible experience, when you start you have essentially one spell, and very little hit points... which means, that you depend a lot on the group - there's very little chance for a magic-user to survive alone.
The cleric is much better, balancing fighting capacities, and healing spell. But the magic-user are getting powerful only at high levels, and then they're cool to play.
Teleportation, telekinesis, mind control, Wall of fire, Fireball, Magic Shield, they are all pretty impressive spell you won't get until 8 or 9th level.
The good thing about Magic-user though is the mystery that the game master can add to a campaign.
When introducing a complex item, a relic or a scroll, who's going to read and analyze it ... the barbarian ? the thief (also he could in some ways) but usually it's the magician, and then the quest can start.
In "the Hobbit" basically the character of Gandalf, represents that mysterious figure able to save the day, but who is missing most of the time, because he's out there doing some weird quests in parallel, I'd say that Gandalf is a perfect high level magic-user but a non player character. Because he's part of the story, his moves are actually having a consequences on the campaign's plot.
He is the enlightened one - working hand in hand with fate (represented by the game master).
“When society reaches a stage where property confers rank, where wealth becomes the only source of virtue, passion the sole bond between man and wife, falsehood the source of success in life, sex the only means of enjoyment, and when outer trappings are confused with inner religion…then we are in the Kali Yuga—the Dark Age.”
— Vishnu Purana, Book 4, chapter 24.
N. PabloTsunami: For its significant power and mystery the magician may be feared and also fear himself and his potential to do harm. Key words to understand this archetype are, intuition, knowledge, confidence, action, creation and mystery. More else clear examples of magician characters are Merlin from druidic legends, Gandalf and Saruman from Tolkien, Lord of the Rings saga, J.K Rowling main character Harry Potter and Neo of the Matrix trilogy.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Illumined Mind

It felt weird beyond measure.
We are all one
That thought alone needs to sink down for a bit.
What does that mean ? We are all one ?
When I see a billboard of "sexy lingerie" it's me the universe showing to myself a sexy part of me wearing sexy underwear to arouse myself ?
When I see a copyright notice, it's me the universe preventing me to use my own creation for my own benefit ?
When I resist the urge to give a 2$ to a homeless me ; I'm resisting self-love.
When I give 20$ for a piece of me materialized as a gift, I will offer to myself later - to enjoy seeing on me the good emotions of receiving a gift ?
When I'm in School learning a language I already know, to be able to speak to another expression of me in a foreign country ?
When I'm writing a blog for another self (hello self) who is also trying to figure out that we are all one.
When I'm asking a guru-me about a burning question related to me ; and I'm wondering if the answer I will give to myself is relevant, since I feel that I might not be able to receive it right now, because of my current state of awareness.
I'm currently typing on a keyboard-me, reading on a monitor-me, projecting thoughts from a collective mind, that reader-me already have in his collective mind, but is reading now in an effort to re-awakening his own remembrance of this fantastic revolutionary idea that we are all one!
During a role playing game, we are all sitting around a table, one is setting up the game direction, the others are playing, pretending to be in the game master's universe - which is in his mind.
The players and the game master are living in an illusion, and following very basic combat, physical rules are able to perform actions, and feeling emotions (fear, hope, anger, sadness, greed, compassion, etc ...) over hours of what would look like a conversation.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Video credit : Sudevi (Ma Nithya Sudevi)
Today is December, 21st - that particular day when people would supposedly ascend.
What does that say about us ? We are so thirsty, desperate for something new for some real changes, that we are able to buy anything that goes into that direction.
Now that this day is almost over, I can feel a bit disappointed, because unfortunately no change (or at least no drastic visual changes) happened.
I have a little confession though, I was pretty sure that something would happened, just because we were so many to believe that something would. Like a self proclaimed prophecy.
The lesson is that if I want change, I'll have to make them myself ; you know the hard way...
There's no shortcuts. Or is there ?
Thursday, December 20, 2012
The Wheel of Life
We are all one, what we seen in other is ourselves.
The wheel of life, is ourselves.
Learning to love ourselves, is the key to love others ; because there's no others, there's just ourselves.
Start to see your surrounding as a gigantic flow of energy, a infinite soup of molecules and we are floating in it, we are part of it - the brain is acting as an interface trying to find limits and draw frontier, to separate zones. But when the brain can let go, because I'm out of body, dreaming or experiencing alternate state of consciousness - the dictature of the brain is no longer active.
The Wheel of Life - Aesthetics of Suffering and Salvation: The Buddhist Wheel of Life symbolically represents how all sentient beings, who have not practiced the Dharma and liberated themselves, are bound in a cycle of existences whose very nature is suffering. The symbolism is depicted through a series of pictograms that are meant to act as a powerful mnemonic device for both the serious practitioner and the layman. The Old Masters prescribe that one should think about this diagram and focus on it day and night so as to never forget its meaning. According to Shri Dharmakirti "One should intently and seriously contemplate the meaning of this wheel. If possible, one should put up a pictorial representation of it, if necessary in solitary retreat, until its significance sinks in. Once this happens, the wish to be free of this mindless suffering is spontaneous and constant. An apt comparison would be with a sick man, who while suffering from a chronic painful ailment, discovers after a thorough medical examination that the reason for his illness is some regular component of his diet. Such a person would immediately try to remedy the defect."
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Procrastination is resisting a desire, by fear of not being able to fulfill it, by fear of not being good enough.
It's a pesky habit.
It gets it's source in the fear of criticism, in judging ourselves harshly.
And it has rules :
- it only feeds on your inactivity, and thrive on it
- it requires being in a passive, consumerist mood
And it is simply killed, by action.
Any action done without judgement, procrastination is gone.
Open a document and start typing gibberish
Open a blank canvas and start scribbling
Might work
Having a work routine, and deadlines, being busy get things done, because it act as a magic plate armor - that won't let self pity, self criticism, self centered passivity.
But what does Procrastination says to you ?
Maybe it's time for you to change your style, your way of working, maybe something isn't perfectly aligned in your life, maybe you need to reflect on something ?
Then meditation would help, dedicated time for yourself, to pass in review all the good things that you have done so far, and where it leads you, what feels like the next logical step for you in that moment ?
Trees produce fruits, some have funny shape, some are light, some are heavy, some are tasty, some aren't - Act like a tree, let go of your own inventions, creation, writings, blogging, artwork, movies, comic-book, vlogging, podcast, graffiti, thoughts...
Don't judge, don't pressure the creative conduct before the fruit is even there
5 Procrastination Strategies to Become More Productive
Thursday, December 13, 2012
New Beginning
This old patriarchal establishment is falling, the old reign of fear, and control is nearly over.
There's nothing to fear, the priority is to find your own bliss, to thrive to know yourself, to fall in love with yourself.
This has been like a forbidden thing to do, to love yourself, in many religions it is even condemned, but Love start in the self. If you love yourself, you can love other, or through the love of yourself, you can love the whole Universe.
That's the mystery of Loving God - God is the source, you love yourself, you love God, you love God you love yourself. It's as simple as that. And by loving God, you love all his manifestations, being trees, chicken, dogs, cats, your neighbors, your mother, your kids, even your enemy since he's also part of Source.
Source is what Jesus called "The Father" - Source is that concept that the Chinese named as the unnameable - the Tao that can't be named. There's nothing that isn't part of the Tao.
The illusion is about to fall, we are no longer looking for crutches, for guides, and paternalist figure, we are now able to be in alignment and look into ourselves and love, create.
There's no need for other to give approval, or permission, by having cleaned ourselves, and being aligned with are aligned with source, and source is our guide.
I love it!
The Apocalypse of Peter -- The Nag Hammadi Library: The Savior said, "For a time determined for them in proportion to their error they will rule over the little ones. And after the completion of the error, the never-aging one of the immortal understanding shall become young, and they (the little ones) shall rule over those who are their rulers. The root of their error he shall pluck out, and he shall put it to shame so that it shall be manifest in all the impudence which it has assumed to itself. And such ones shall become unchangeable, O Peter."
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Dreaming experience
William Buhlman
Still trying to figure out - how to get of the body. Last night I dreamed that I met an old colleague of mine (from 10 years ago) and he was kind of upset that I never contacted him, nevertheless he invited me to his home, where I could see his wife and kids, and then it was like I was back at my old job. We were sent into a customer site (like we used to) and it was a mess, and we sort things out - then we switched into one of the main office where there was a secretary (and now that I'm awake I know that she never actually was working there, but during the dream it was like I knew her) and we chat.
I failed to asked the question if "I was dreaming" ? - so the dream went through.
The overall emotion during this dream was a bit hectic and stressed.
Why is that dream are like taking the train or watching a movie, without being able to change the story line (of course I mean by default, that is what the experience is mostly a weird little story and boom we're awake) why is that, what's the purpose of that ?
Now, I was thinking maybe I wasn't clear on what I really want out of a lucid dream (since an actual obe seems a bit out of reach at my current advancement) and why I want it.
Answers, is what I'm looking for - I want to meet my guide, want to ask what is my life mission. What is my spirit animal, what were my past life incarnations, the soul group that I belong to, am I a Pleiadian. What is about to happen in 2 weeks, what are ideas, thoughts, what are we ? what happen that particular day 12 years ago ? What should I do with my life to be in alignment? How can I love myself?
Lately I've listened to another radio show with Teal Scott, and the host (?) said something about dreams - that during dreams we're entering a place to meet other people (dead or alive) - and to me it seems that dreams is more a personal place, a very much private sandbox where our thoughts are present, and we can dive into. Our thought can totally involve other people (dead or alive) but they are just thoughts not the actual person, which means that if I dream about Sudevi (which I incidentally did a few days earlier) ; It took place in what looks like a classroom, we were listening to some guy with a projector, and I heard somebody mumbling behind me, I turned and saw Sudevi, she was a bit upset because of something in the training probably, and that was it. Luckily enough she told in one of her video how to know for sure, if the dream is genuine or not, so I know for sure that it wasn't her.
During the radio show the host (?) also confirmed this idea that dreams are taking place in a lighter environment - so thoughts are acting a lot faster to manifest than on a denser place like 3D Earth, is something I quite agree with and also observed.
Which reminds me of that theory that thoughts have a weight ?!
And are actually getting lighter and lighter. A phenomenon called "Less thoughts more action" explained by Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Teal Workshop
Yesterday I listened to this long radio show (above) featuring Teal Scott
and as always I've been delighted to hear Teal talking about her visions, about "Bliss", about her guide, higher self, and the importance of "self love"
Her vision is that we are all as human being co-creators of our reality and we were sent on 3D Earth as an experiment of our higher self - pretty much the same way as a teenager would play an avatar in a video games to solve puzzle and level up.
3D Earth is more or less like a sandbox for various experimentations.
Some of us wants to experience darkness, scarcity, being poor, being sick, and some have a lesson to learn ("what is it to feel compassion", "How is it to become Independent", "How to overcome an addiction", etc ...) and some are just letting the light shine through and are able to follow their bliss and let go.
How would such video game work ?
Basically as human being we have 3 ways to go - letting the light through (move up), stopping or resisting the light (moving down), and expressing desires (moving forward) - guilt is pushing things in the past (that would be moving backward, but since there's no way to move back in time, it's just stalling).
You only meet what you're a match with - if you are a high frequencies being you have a match with successful, helpful, noble, wise people, if you are a match with low frequencies encounter you will experience suffering, struggle, scarcity etc ...
Our emotions are acting like a compass to check where we stand.
I guess, that would be roughly the game engine, and it will start scrolling from right to left.
There were a lot of revelation in that radio show - Teal is debunking what "Karma" is, that Death is nothing to fear, that emotions like anger, revenge, hope, etc ... are like steps on a ladder - and fear is actually a low vibration frequency (that looks like static).
Resisting fear is not an efficient way, because it focus on what you fear.
Which isn't very intuitive, Teal is teaching that allowing (letting go) is a better way to overcome fears.
Basically, the most important thing to understand is that "Self Love" is the best way to succeed at this game. And that is in no way selfish, because since we are all one, loving ourselves, means we love everybody and everything.
Now to understand that last part, you have to know that Teal is clairvoyant, clairaudient and actually doesn't see any separation between things (like we do) - she sees more or less energies flowing and auras around people, also thought forms.
And finally after all these bonanzas of incredible discoveries I was very excited when I read that Teal is organizing a live stream event this Saturday (Dec. 15th, 2012) :
More information at
and as always I've been delighted to hear Teal talking about her visions, about "Bliss", about her guide, higher self, and the importance of "self love"
Her vision is that we are all as human being co-creators of our reality and we were sent on 3D Earth as an experiment of our higher self - pretty much the same way as a teenager would play an avatar in a video games to solve puzzle and level up.
3D Earth is more or less like a sandbox for various experimentations.
Some of us wants to experience darkness, scarcity, being poor, being sick, and some have a lesson to learn ("what is it to feel compassion", "How is it to become Independent", "How to overcome an addiction", etc ...) and some are just letting the light shine through and are able to follow their bliss and let go.
How would such video game work ?
Basically as human being we have 3 ways to go - letting the light through (move up), stopping or resisting the light (moving down), and expressing desires (moving forward) - guilt is pushing things in the past (that would be moving backward, but since there's no way to move back in time, it's just stalling).
You only meet what you're a match with - if you are a high frequencies being you have a match with successful, helpful, noble, wise people, if you are a match with low frequencies encounter you will experience suffering, struggle, scarcity etc ...
Our emotions are acting like a compass to check where we stand.
I guess, that would be roughly the game engine, and it will start scrolling from right to left.
There were a lot of revelation in that radio show - Teal is debunking what "Karma" is, that Death is nothing to fear, that emotions like anger, revenge, hope, etc ... are like steps on a ladder - and fear is actually a low vibration frequency (that looks like static).
Resisting fear is not an efficient way, because it focus on what you fear.
Which isn't very intuitive, Teal is teaching that allowing (letting go) is a better way to overcome fears.
Basically, the most important thing to understand is that "Self Love" is the best way to succeed at this game. And that is in no way selfish, because since we are all one, loving ourselves, means we love everybody and everything.
Now to understand that last part, you have to know that Teal is clairvoyant, clairaudient and actually doesn't see any separation between things (like we do) - she sees more or less energies flowing and auras around people, also thought forms.
And finally after all these bonanzas of incredible discoveries I was very excited when I read that Teal is organizing a live stream event this Saturday (Dec. 15th, 2012) :
More information at
Friday, December 7, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Under the control of Patriarchs

As when we are bored we look for professional entertainer,
When we want protection, we look for authoritative figure (like military, police, government)
When we want to learn things, we don't even think that we're able to learn by ourselves, so we look for teacher
When we want to "speak" to God, we then need a religious representative
When we are sick, we look for doctors - or any external people that will for sure tell us what to do!
and while you reading this and thinks it is absolutely normal ; because they are professional, and they know because they have studied, and ... blah, blah, blah
The result is that we are now dis-empowered.
But then we bitch about the teachers, the politicians, the doctor, the police, the priest, the boss, ... because the teachers are subversives, the politicians are crooks, the doctor make mistakes, the police is brutal, the priest depraved, the boss greedy.
But we fail to see that we have asked them to be there, because we didn't want to be responsible for ourselves.
Sure, for a while the patriarchs were doing a good job in creating dependence toward them - but now, that we are pretty much under their control, the good father figure is now turning into a manipulative villainous tyrant.
The turning point I guess was working for profit instead of working for the wellness of everyone.
I like very much what Salma Hayek said regarding to religion :
The minute I started thinking it through, I realized all religions are a form of manipulation. And I started having problems with certain beliefs-like in Africa, where people are dying of AIDS and overpopulation, the Catholic Church is going over to convert them and take away the condoms! And I said, wait a minute.source :
How to be independent again ?
By studying everything, documenting, being aware, building, producing, taking responsibilities for our action, by being active in general and accept that we will possibly make mistakes.
Because otherwise we're just consumers, we are passive and we wait for answers, taking no responsibilities.
Monday, December 3, 2012
True Nature

But they are the same : messengers
Actually Pleiadian are very often described as 'angelic' - I've heard that their "spaceship" could even camouflaged as cloud.
If we focus on the message instead of the nature of the messenger - what do we hear ?
What do they keep repeating time after time ?
What is their message ?
A Brief Account of the True Nature of the UFO Entities: In our days, there has probably been no teacher who saw and understood all this more clearly that the great Austrian Dr. Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), founder of the Anthroposophical Society. "Clairvoyant" from childhood, Steiner [claims he] saw into the other worlds and planes and saw deeply into the human heart, and no books or teachings are so relevant as his are to the crisis of mankind that is now upon us. His lectures throughout 1917, for example, show clearly that he foresaw, in their totality, the political, social, and military results and the police-state tyranny which would inevitably follow from the Russian Revolution, just as the "Lady" of the Apparitions at Fatima in the same year also did. Steiner foresaw what would result in the world as a whole from a materialistic science run mad: the development of "test-tube" man, "biological engineering" and other horrors; the deliberate creation and development of living monsters; and the soul-less, God-less, dehumanized, computerized, insect-like chromium and plastic slave world of "1984" that may now be at hand. According to Steiner, a tremendous and crucial round in the battle was fought out in the last thirty years of the 19th century and on the Inner Planes, between the Forces of AHRIMAN (the term he took over from Zarathustra) and the FORCES OF LIGHT.
Sunday, December 2, 2012

"We think therefor we are"
Everything that has happened to me so far was the result of my thoughts and to be fully in accord with this I have to take responsibility for all of it. That means if I'm sick, I wanted to be sick - If I'm depressed that's what I want.
It helps for me to keep a journal - (this blog is just the skimming part of it, "la creme de la creme").
My last intent was to have an OBE - during last nights I felt my left hand gone asleep - and it was disagreeable, maybe the sleep paralysis starts by the extremities ?! which would explain the little finger trick ?!
During last night dream I expressed a thought and like Albert Taylor said - it had an immediate impact, the dream changed, but it cut short because since the situation changed the way I wanted, I didn't know what would follow, so I woke up.
It's like if you want to direct the dream you have to be prepared to run a new story - meaning that the story has to be prepared in advance - or that even more than being imaginative, you have to be good at improvisation too.
In my last dreams I was immersed or walking in the mud - and this is symbolically because in the dream we're very light, things can change in the blink of an eye - as in what we call "reality" things are sluggish, the events are unfolding slowly. Which is good since we are here to discipline our thoughts!
While Teal Scott is repeating in her lecture the fact that we are indeed creating our own reality with the thoughts, or the focus we put on our environment, because our thoughts influence our vibrations and therefor attracts things with a matching vibrations.
Albert Taylor is talking about how during an OBE (out of body experience) thinking about something make this thing appear straight away - implying that we have to prepare by controlling our thoughts.
I developed a small trick during the day, when some thought I don't want starts to unfold in my mind - I immediately "Mark it as spam" and it disappears. So far it works.
I continue to ask myself "Am I dreaming ?"
6. Healing and More Healing | Bridge to Earth: I found that, for me, healing came about through a deep self-examination and taking total and complete responsibility for myself and for everything that happened in my life.
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