But they are the same : messengers
Actually Pleiadian are very often described as 'angelic' - I've heard that their "spaceship" could even camouflaged as cloud.
If we focus on the message instead of the nature of the messenger - what do we hear ?
What do they keep repeating time after time ?
What is their message ?
A Brief Account of the True Nature of the UFO Entities: In our days, there has probably been no teacher who saw and understood all this more clearly that the great Austrian Dr. Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), founder of the Anthroposophical Society. "Clairvoyant" from childhood, Steiner [claims he] saw into the other worlds and planes and saw deeply into the human heart, and no books or teachings are so relevant as his are to the crisis of mankind that is now upon us. His lectures throughout 1917, for example, show clearly that he foresaw, in their totality, the political, social, and military results and the police-state tyranny which would inevitably follow from the Russian Revolution, just as the "Lady" of the Apparitions at Fatima in the same year also did. Steiner foresaw what would result in the world as a whole from a materialistic science run mad: the development of "test-tube" man, "biological engineering" and other horrors; the deliberate creation and development of living monsters; and the soul-less, God-less, dehumanized, computerized, insect-like chromium and plastic slave world of "1984" that may now be at hand. According to Steiner, a tremendous and crucial round in the battle was fought out in the last thirty years of the 19th century and on the Inner Planes, between the Forces of AHRIMAN (the term he took over from Zarathustra) and the FORCES OF LIGHT.
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