Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Dreaming experience

William Buhlman

Still trying to figure out - how to get of the body. Last night I dreamed that I met an old colleague of mine (from 10 years ago) and he was kind of upset that I never contacted him, nevertheless he invited me to his home, where I could see his wife and kids, and then it was like I was back at my old job. We were sent into a customer site (like we used to) and it was a mess, and we sort things out - then we switched into one of the main office where there was a secretary (and now that I'm awake I know that she never actually was working there, but during the dream it was like I knew her) and we chat.

I failed to asked the question if "I was dreaming" ? - so the dream went through.

The overall emotion during this dream was a bit hectic and stressed.

Why is that dream are like taking the train or watching a movie, without being able to change the story line (of course I mean by default, that is what the experience is mostly a weird little story and boom we're awake) why is that, what's the purpose of that ?

Now, I was thinking maybe I wasn't clear on what I really want out of a lucid dream (since an actual obe seems a bit out of reach at my current advancement) and why I want it.

Answers, is what I'm looking for - I want to meet my guide, want to ask what is my life mission. What is my spirit animal, what were my past life incarnations, the soul group that I belong to, am I a Pleiadian. What is about to happen in 2 weeks, what are ideas, thoughts, what are we ? what happen that particular day 12 years ago ? What should I do with my life to be in alignment? How can I love myself?

Lately I've listened to another radio show with Teal Scott, and the host (?) said something about dreams - that during dreams we're entering a place to meet other people (dead or alive) - and to me it seems that dreams is more a personal place, a very much private sandbox where our thoughts are present, and we can dive into. Our thought can totally involve other people (dead or alive) but they are just thoughts not the actual person, which means that if I dream about Sudevi (which I incidentally did a few days earlier) ; It took place in what looks like a classroom, we were listening to some guy with a projector, and I heard somebody mumbling behind me, I turned and saw Sudevi, she was a bit upset because of something in the training probably, and that was it. Luckily enough she told in one of her video how to know for sure, if the dream is genuine or not, so I know for sure that it wasn't her.

During the radio show the host (?) also confirmed this idea that dreams are taking place in a lighter environment - so thoughts are acting a lot faster to manifest than on a denser place like 3D Earth, is something I quite agree with and also observed.

Which reminds me of that theory that thoughts have a weight ?!
And are actually getting lighter and lighter. A phenomenon called "Less thoughts more action" explained by Paramahamsa Nithyananda.

Out-of-Body Experience Studies | The Monroe Institute: The notion of the human double has a long and colorful history. Plato gave us an early idea. He believed that what we see in this life is only a dim reflection of what the spirit could see if it were released from the physical. Imprisoned in a gross physical body, the spirit is restricted; separated from that body, it would be able to converse freely with the spirits of the departed, and see things more clearly. Another idea which can be traced to the Greeks is that we have second body. The spirit or some subtle body would be able to see better without its body. Aristotle taught that the spirit could leave the body and that it is capable of communicating with the spirits, while Plotinus held that all souls must be separable from their physical bodies. This 'doctrine of the subtle body' runs through Western tradition.

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