Thursday, December 13, 2012

New Beginning

This old patriarchal establishment is falling, the old reign of fear, and control is nearly over.

There's nothing to fear, the priority is to find your own bliss, to thrive to know yourself, to fall in love with yourself.

This has been like a forbidden thing to do, to love yourself, in many religions it is even condemned, but Love start in the self. If you love yourself, you can love other, or through the love of yourself, you can love the whole Universe.

That's the mystery of Loving God - God is the source, you love yourself, you love God, you love God you love yourself. It's as simple as that. And by loving God, you love all his manifestations, being trees, chicken, dogs, cats, your neighbors, your mother, your kids, even your enemy since he's also part of Source.

Source is what Jesus called "The Father" - Source is that concept that the Chinese named as the unnameable - the Tao that can't be named. There's nothing that isn't part of the Tao.

The illusion is about to fall, we are no longer looking for crutches, for guides, and paternalist figure, we are now able to be in alignment and look into ourselves and love, create.

There's no need for other to give approval, or permission, by having cleaned ourselves, and being aligned with are aligned with source, and source is our guide.

I love it!
The Apocalypse of Peter -- The Nag Hammadi Library: The Savior said, "For a time determined for them in proportion to their error they will rule over the little ones. And after the completion of the error, the never-aging one of the immortal understanding shall become young, and they (the little ones) shall rule over those who are their rulers. The root of their error he shall pluck out, and he shall put it to shame so that it shall be manifest in all the impudence which it has assumed to itself. And such ones shall become unchangeable, O Peter."

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