Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Teal Workshop

Yesterday I listened to this long radio show (above) featuring Teal Scott
and as always I've been delighted to hear Teal talking about her visions, about "Bliss", about her guide, higher self, and the importance of "self love"

Her vision is that we are all as human being co-creators of our reality and we were sent on 3D Earth as an experiment of our higher self - pretty much the same way as a teenager would play an avatar in a video games to solve puzzle and level up.

3D Earth is more or less like a sandbox for various experimentations.

Some of us wants to experience darkness, scarcity, being poor, being sick, and some have a lesson to learn ("what is it to feel compassion", "How is it to become Independent", "How to overcome an addiction", etc ...) and some are just letting the light shine through and are able to follow their bliss and let go.

How would such video game work ?

Basically as human being we have 3 ways to go - letting the light through (move up), stopping or resisting the light (moving down), and expressing desires (moving forward) - guilt is pushing things in the past (that would be moving backward, but since there's no way to move back in time, it's just stalling).

You only meet what you're a match with - if you are a high frequencies being you have a  match with successful, helpful, noble, wise people, if you are a match with low frequencies encounter you will experience suffering, struggle, scarcity etc ...

Our emotions are acting like a compass to check where we stand.

I guess, that would be roughly the game engine, and it will start scrolling from right to left.

There were a lot of revelation in that radio show - Teal is debunking what "Karma" is, that Death is nothing to fear, that emotions like anger, revenge, hope, etc ... are like steps on a ladder - and fear is actually a low vibration frequency (that looks like static).

Resisting fear is not an efficient way, because it focus on what you fear.
Which isn't very intuitive, Teal is teaching that allowing (letting go) is a better way to overcome fears.

Basically, the most important thing to understand is that "Self Love" is the best way to succeed at this game. And that is in no way selfish, because since we are all one, loving ourselves, means we love everybody and everything.

Now to understand that last part, you have to know that Teal is clairvoyant, clairaudient and actually doesn't see any separation between things (like we do) - she sees more or less energies flowing and auras around people, also thought forms.

And finally after all these bonanzas of incredible discoveries I was very excited when I read that Teal is organizing a live stream event this Saturday (Dec. 15th, 2012) :

More information at

Creating our own reality of course reminded me of this interesting and positive reflexions by Hui Sun Kim
16. Consciously Creating Our World | Bridge to Earth: It’s becoming more important now than ever before to just start visualizing and daydreaming playfully about our future, without being limited by the boundaries of our present.[1] How do you want our world to be? How do you want our food to be grown and obtained? How would you like to communicate with each other? How do you want our schools to be, and our children to be educated? How do you imagine the exchange of goods and services to take place? What do you envision for our transportation? How do you imagine getting energy for heating, lighting, and running our machines? What will be the nature of our home and housing? What about the nature of our communities? What do you really want to do for work– which way of contributing to the world will bring you joy? Go ahead and let your imagination free! If enough people imagine and desire this world, it will come into being. Thought waves of similar frequencies will resonate and vibrate in synchronicity. The actions will naturally follow, if our focus is there.

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