Thursday, December 27, 2012


Creating worlds, Universes ... that's what a game master has to do, before he can start inviting players for campaigning. Of course some Universes are offered as ready to use, like Tolkien Universe, Star Wars Universe, Forgotten realms, World of Warcraft, Michael Morcook Elric, Fritz Leiber Fafhrd and the Grey  mouser etc ... but the hard core game masters are the one who are creating their own Universes, Gary Gigax created Greyhawk and many legends and lore.

Today we are fed by the media into thinking that our world is about to end. To the extent of making 2012 the year of the Apocalypse ; which it is of course. The Year of the great revelation, the year when we start to open our eyes.

The miracle is to believe that we can create our own world, our own Universe, just like the game masters.

There is the world we see, and the unseen worlds.

There is the actions we see and the unseen actions.

We are all in a "dream" - but funnily enough when we think of dreaming we automatically think of an etheric realms because that's our daily experience of what dreaming is ... while actually it's the other way around, the dream is the sluggish materialistic part of our life that began at birth and end at death - that's the dream, the unreal part is the part we think is real and vice verse. We are dreamed, when we die we wake up as the dreamer.

The moment you realize you can change things in your dream, is a pivotal moment. It happened to me a while ago, and the consequences are unfolding slowly but surely.

Thoughts are creating realities, even here in the material world, it just takes longer (2 or 3 months for something as basic as wanting a material object) - but it's instantaneous in dreams.

Now since there's no limit - where do we begin ?

Practicing magic is being grown up and alive and contributing and participating in the dynamic evolved evolution of this planet.
The world's at a crisis point and it's time to stop bullshitting around with Qabalah and Thelema and Chaos and Information and all the rest of the metaphoric smoke and mirrors designed to make the rubes think magicians are 'special' people with special powers. It's not like that. Everyone does magic all the time in different ways. "Life" plus "significance" = magic
-- Grant Morrison

Aeon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Plato used the word aeon to denote the eternal world of ideas, which he conceived was "behind" the perceived world, as demonstrated in his famous allegory of the cave.

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