Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Middle Way

When confronted with evil during a campaign, players are easy to use the sword, and cast spells - than to think it over.

what is the origin of evil, why does evil exists in the first place isn't the type of question your paladin, rangers and cleric would ask themselves... they'll just plunge their sword, throw their battle axe or smash their hammer on the head of the offender than to ask philosophical questions.

And that's pretty much why all role playing games are about fighting and sharing treasure afterwards.

But when neutral people such as druids or monks comes along  and add a balance in that constant fight between good and evil - then it gets a lot more interesting.

Why would a neutral character enter a fight ? for him good characters are just hot tempered for something that won't last - and evil characters are just obviously misguided - neutral characters know that it is of no importance and while the battle are coming, trees will be destroyed, people will die, widows and orphans are going to be made...

A neutral character knows that there is no winner or loser in these silly wars.

But somehow they would make alliance for short period of time, to shorten the damages. Neutral people are wise.

When you are playing a lawful good paladin, you see the neutral druid as a coward hippie with secular traditions - when you are a chaotic evil assassin you see the neutral druid as a potentially dangerous ally of the civilized establishment.

The evil dragon is only caring about his treasure, and would defend it against anybody - evil character included.

The evil necromancer would be only interested in gaining power and probably immortality - and would then attack anybody.

Because although the good characters in roleplay see cooperation as beneficial and wouldn't turn unto a friend, evil characters are very versatile and won't see any shame in treason. That's where game masters have a tough time when players are playing evil characters because the campaign will inevitably end up in a blood bath.

Choosing evil is the fastest way to shorten the life of your character.

While the good guy are struggling they have a better survival chance - technically because of the cooperation that they are willing to be bound with.

But eventually the good and the bad guy are always finding each other - while the neutral are actually the one building things that will endure.

Understanding that beyond good or evil, there is respect for life.

Why do you think the archetype of the druid is an old guy with a white beard ? that's because he has seen many battles, but from a distance.

Description :: Some neutral characters, on the other hand, commit themselves philosophically to neutrality. They see good, evil, law, and chaos as prejudices and dangerous extremes. They advocate the middle way of neutrality as the best, most balanced road in the long run.

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