Friday, December 21, 2012


Video credit : Sudevi (Ma Nithya Sudevi)

Today is December, 21st - that particular day when people would supposedly ascend.

What does that say about us ? We are so thirsty, desperate for something new for some real changes, that we are able to buy anything that goes into that direction.

Now that this day is almost over, I can feel a bit disappointed, because unfortunately no change (or at least no drastic visual changes) happened.

I have a little confession though, I was pretty sure that something would happened, just because we were so many to believe that something would. Like a self proclaimed prophecy.

The lesson is that if I want change, I'll have to make them myself ; you know the hard way...

There's no shortcuts. Or is there ?

As for my little progress in obe (out of body experience)
I have more and more numbing feeling - and I could once again control my move and actually sort of teleport during a dream last sunday.

Giving up on fears is also starting to be of greater and greater importance.

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