What ideal situation would I prefer to the current one ?
What changes could I bring into the current situation that would drastically be beneficial ?
I dream of a clear room with just a computer and no distractions.
On the computer a text editor and a browser.
And I would write - and I would publish a book.
There would be silence and work.
But then I'll have to eat, require toilet breaks and some sleep.
That would be the bare minimum.
What if I won't publish any book.
Who cares anyway ?
I feel the need to write ; it helps putting my thoughts in order.
Since I wrote my advices to my 10 years old self - I keep thinking about reincarnation and the funny twist where I would stumble upon my old blog after I reincarnate and be able to read my ramblings from a past life.
Now, I see the act of writing as posting some clues to my future self. And it feels liberating.
To the point.
Be yourself!
How would I know this blog was myself from a past life ?!
I guess this would help - a pass-phrase from my current life - that wouldn't make any sense for anyone else - like an inside joke that I would be able to transfer from one life to another.
Something so personal, that reading it I would laugh and cry at the same time, and the eyes filled with tears would see in this so much of myself that it would be exhilarating.
Here goes, this is for me reader from the future : "Vitakava!"
I'll let you laugh and cry for now.
Lecture: Man As A Picture of The Living Spirit: For there were once upon a time on Earth very advanced Beings — Beings who did not put on physical human bodies as do the men of today. They lived rather in etheric bodies, yet for the men who lived on Earth at that time they were the great leaders and educators.
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