Man being immersed in the illusion of separateness : he became lost in the maya.
This has a purpose, this is a necessary step in the evolution.
How can you know that smoking is bad ? because you smoked a lot, and saw it for yourself.
Now I see life in 3D as a flow of energy -- it comes and pass through everybody, and we all let pass this energy, or we resist it. It's all a giant pipe work.
There's little fun in role playing if the player know the campaign already, the fun comes with the surprises, the challenges, the riddles, the unknown.
But is there Freedom really ?
When you're playing a specific class (e.g : Paladin) with pre-determined alignment (Lawful Good) - in many situation you're supposed to act very rigidly, compared to a thief (Chaotic by nature) -- the freedom in D&D isn't about opening doors on the left or on the right then fight the monster in the room and get his treasure, this kind of boring campaign are the one that can be emulated by computer (through World of Warcraft, Age of Conan etc ...) where the only goal is to amass treasure and level up.
But you can feel the emptiness of any quests, the shallowness of materialism.
You don't learn anything, you just get better at playing that little insignificant part the computer lets you play.
The real fun of role playing is closer to acting, performing for a limited audience, but nevertheless.
If his character is leveling up and has many magic items the players behind aren't rewarded by anything - but when throw playing the character is set into interesting situations, and the emotions is there, that lead to the discovery of more than the character but the player's true face. While there isn't any bravery, any real combat, any real foe, or reward ... what is real is just the game.
Rudolf Steiner is repeating the same thing over and over, humanity is more than his physical aspect - materialism isn't an end to itself - the materialistic world we're living in - is not the goal.
Mankind will only thrive when it will focus on Spirituality.
If we take the character of Christ Jesus as an example, he didn't use his formidable talents to gain power or riches, his mission was to point in the sky direction and show us the real value of Life on Earth.
His message is eternal, while we're not ready to hear it - we can only embrace the religious aspect - the limited version that push people into churches hoping that somehow it will help the day we die to go to heaven.
But when we're ready Christ message is way more powerful, revolutionary completely mind blowing, Earth shattering - Love is the key, Love is what we're made of. And we either allow it or we resist it, that's all we do.
Lecture: Man As A Picture of The Living Spirit: Long, long ago, in an instinctive atavistic clairvoyance, mankind had vision and perception of these things. The vision faded. If he had kept it, man could never have grown free. The ancient vision was therefore darkened. In compensation, the Mystery of Golgotha came into earthly life. A sublime Being from the population of the Sun came to Earth.
--Rudolf Steiner
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