Sunday, May 26, 2024

Theory: Prison planet

In the next weeks, I will be posting various theories (starting a collection)

Today the theory is that we live on a "prison planet" ruled by archons 

This theory is a fascinating blend of ancient mythology, modern conspiracy theories, and metaphysical speculation. Here’s a brief overview of this concept and some related theories:

Prison Planet Theory

The prison planet theory suggests that Earth is essentially a prison for human souls, controlled by malevolent entities known as archons. These archons are said to manipulate human consciousness and keep humanity trapped in a cycle of ignorance and suffering. This idea draws from Gnostic cosmology, where archons are considered lower spiritual beings who block humanity’s path to divine knowledge and enlightenment.

Key Elements of the Theory

1. Archons: In Gnostic tradition, archons are rulers or authorities who create illusions to maintain control over human souls. They are often depicted as deceptive and manipulative.

2. Control Mechanisms: The theory posits that archons use various methods to maintain their control, such as:

   - Illusion: Creating a false reality to keep humans unaware of their true nature.

   - Emotional Manipulation: Instilling fear, anger, and other negative emotions to maintain control.

   - Reincarnation Cycle: Trapping souls in a continuous cycle of birth and rebirth to prevent spiritual liberation. The whole point being to farm humans for harvesting "loosh" which is a form of energy produced by living beings, particularly through intense emotions (fear, lust, anger, depression etc ...) and experiences (wars, conflicts, slaughter, ...).

Some people view these theories metaphorically, suggesting they represent deeper psychological and spiritual truths about human existence and the struggle for enlightenment.

The prison planet theory and its related concepts invite us to question the nature of reality, the existence of higher powers, and the true potential of human consciousness. Whether taken literally or metaphorically, they encourage deep reflection on the forces that shape our lives and the possibility of transcending them.

Now the twist is that for each theory, there might be a sparkle of truth, but this one in particular is emotionally depressing. 

Personally I've discovered this whole concept via this obscure sub-reddit 

It sure could be convincing when we think about the fractal universe and how we (humans) are treating animals (breeding them for food). And how the early religion were really into human (or animal) sacrifice to appease the higher beings.

There are good things about this theory, for one since this Planet is a farm, and a prison, the rulers will prevent mass destruction (like nuclear war) which would mean their entire food supply would be destroyed. Another one is that since more and more souls are going to get trapped here, at some point we will figure it out, and find a way to escape.

Remember theories are just ideas, speculation, but they have the power to move us deeply, to even put despair (or hope) into us, to move us into action even (for the betterment or for the worse). Christianity, or Communism were just ideas, the implementation has given humanity its darkest hours.

Another thing to remember, is 'it is just a ride'

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