School was a real pain for me, one of my first memory of school was being beaten by 2 other kids and sand by forced into my mouth. I didn't really fit among other kids, was it because of my cheap outdated clothes or because I was not playing the same games.
What was I supposed to do in school anyway ? the idea of society to put kids in school, is probably a mix of putting them out of home in order to send the mothers back to work (or shopping) ; meanwhile the other function is somehow to teach some important stuffs to kids - but what happens most of the time, is the fear of being beaten, hurt or ridiculed, spoil the education part - because that's probably the experience all kids will get out of the school system.
Because of that most kids hates school, and I can understand them so well - being forced to listen to uninteresting topic given by unmotivated teachers, then being forced into another class, waiting for the day to end, for the misery to stop and bringing homeworks to do in the evening depriving the kid for some sleep ...
If the purpose was to teach, the most efficient way, would be to ask the kid what he would like to do when adult, and check his skills, then build a personalized education program for him, teaching him the basics, then tuning up later that program finding a balance between what the kid likes and what knowledges he still has to learn. And probably not to cram 40 kids into a room.
I mean if the undocumented goal is to create zombies, then it's a pretty good job the education system is doing.
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