From times to times my porn addiction is pointing her head - and I feel the urge to watch a bit of porn.
Why is it a bad idea
In today's world it's very very easy to find porn - porn is everywhere - the discipline required on a daily basis is constantly challenged.
But let see first the reason why the porn addiction is re-emerging ; when life starts to feel like nothing is going nowhere, where I'm frustrated with people, or my job and I need a little gratification...
It could also be that I've caught a glimpse of a pornstar I've particularly enjoyed - but usually I just send her lots of love and move on.
The real problem is frustration, might it be accompanied with procrastination, laziness, or lack of motivation - if the discipline is still there, there's no chance that I'll fall for this appeal.
Now that I'm thinking about it, there is a second problem .. the force of habits ; but it could be counter by returning at the place where I found help and support (nofap forum).
Fapping isn't the enemy - the real problem is the lack of desire for conscious living.
Because let's be honest for a minute Pornography is just lies, illusion, smoke and mirrors...
The minute you realize that women don't actually enjoy what is happening to them in porn movies - they just pretend to feel pleasured but the truth is .. Porn is just about money .. and by watching pornography I was part of the problem. I wasn't forced to watch these scenes, I did it willfully at first, and then because of the habits - but then I realized all the downside of it, I felt awkward around other people, I had many flashbacks when talking to people or during classes - and it sucked my energy.
Energy sucking
Of course being younger I didn't felt that it would be such a problem but always feeling tired, and down was actually putting me in a loop - because I was still looking for some kind of gratification - that I could only find in fapping. And that's a very difficult trap to escape from, but it's like all addictions really - some drastic changes have to be made, but lucky me I found nofap forums and they helped greatly. Now and then, I help some other fapstronaut back too.
Where I am now
Like I said in the introduction, from time to time I have the urge again - and sometime I give in, but there's a price to pay - which makes me deliberate really hard, to see if that is worth it - and more and more the decision is a strong NO, because that's not worth it. And I would prefer to meditate 20mn instead.
I wish one day, the world will be porn-free, I wish nobody would fall into the porn addiction trap ever again - love is the answer, and love can exist without sex - one night, I was struggling really hard, and discover that I had a feminine side deep down, and that was the part of me I was being rude and negligent, and I felt remorseful, I felt sorry .. that without knowing I had hurt a part of myself for so long.
Being in peace as a human being is being at peace with his male and feminine aspect - and that is the lesson I've learned from nofap.
Dear Light,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the post. The mind control is in full force to the point that we are given the tools/technology for our own entrapment. Those few that crave unexplored/unknown emotions are the hope to a porn free world.
The balance between polarities and the androgyny of being Love and Bliss as a reflection of who we truly are.
Thanks very much anon!