Wednesday, May 29, 2013


New age "Amazon"

As previously stated in my previous article Women are rescuing the world
A new energy is flowing an energy of compassion and allowance - but that doesn't mean there are no conflict anymore.
Women are using the "old energy" way to restore the balance, kicking some ass and exposing the masculine his hypocrisy and unfairness.
After centuries and centuries of oppression, this new age "Amazon" are perceived as a threat to the establishment - but it is in fact a counter balance movement that was inevitable. A movement that is healthy and beneficial.
Many people are supporters and are enjoying Femen's actions, because they are in a way a sub-conscious call from the collective mind to bust the overwhelming, exploitative and destructive ways of the ultra-religious, the powerful greedy barons and the narrow minded inadequate ante-dated politics.


But as everything we resist, persist, at some stage this new Amazon will have to face the fact that there are no real solution provided by the resistance ; and will have to envision what is it that they want to see the World - I mean it's a good feeling to see them protesting - but that "old energy" is decaying. It will fall sooner or later, what is the kind of world Femen is looking for ?!
Or maybe that's not their job to figure that - their current objective is to be in the first line and make room for the next women to create balance, and build communities where the men and women will be able to work together.
As every response to an oppressive force is a counter force that is in the same way violent - Femen are the payback movement coming back full force to the "old energy" - it has his value, but it will have to cease after the balance is restored.

The femen phenomenon | Photographers Blog: they have done more for Ukraine and its European aspirations than all the politicians and all the expensive adverts ordered by the government.

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