Monday, February 11, 2013

War with the self

Unhappiness is unnatural

To be unhappy is an unnatural state of being ; this is something that has to be learned - this is a disease that parents are transmitting to their children.

You don't believe me ?

What is the benefits of being unhappy ? what's the reward ?
What are the incentives given to unhappy people ?


Being unhappy makes us happy

There's no other way to put it - we are unhappy because we want to conform.
Being happy in an unhappy society is like being oddity.
Ultimately we are free to choose between happiness and unhappiness.
Why do we choose unhappiness ? why do we believe that thought that say "if you're happy, something is going to happen that will ruin everything and then you will be unhappy"


Don't worry, be happy

Dear reader, put a smile on your face and for no reason whatsoever - choose to be happy
opt for the happiness within.
Make peace with yourself - question your thoughts, be friend with yourself.

Byron Katie: Finding Kindness & Questioning Stressful Thoughts - YouTube

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